Chapter 6

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THERE WAS NO pain when you woke up, but you shut your eyes the second light met them and when you tried to lift an arm it was asleep and heavy. It took you two seconds to realize that your right arm was in a sling.

Beep. Beep. Beep. A heart monitor.

You blinked slowly until you adjusted to the light, white and yellow daisies surrounded the hospital room. You looked down and saw that one leg was in a cast.

A nurse arrived and then called for the doctor. He checked your vitals, and as he informed you of your four-day coma, two blondes ran inside. Both looked like crap: pasty complexion, sunken cheeks and dark circles around their big blue eyes, like they hardly ate or slept in the past few days. Allen's polo shirt was wrinkled and Arin didn't wear any makeup.

They rushed to the bed. "Oh my God, you're finally awake!"

"How are you feeling?" Allen asked.

Your lips were chapped and painful and your throat was dry but you managed to reassure them, "I'm not in pain, I don't even remember much of what happened" You could hazily recall Magnus' warning and the creaking of metal. Your pulse quickened at the distant memory of the scaffolding just a few feet above you but that was it; no pain. You were hit on the head and knocked unconscious before most of unfinished restaurant landed on you. You were surprised that you were alive. Not ungrateful, just surprised. And relieved.

"We were so worried! Toris called and we didn't know what to do when he said the scaffolding fell on you. Thank God you survived." Arin gently squeezed your free hand.

"Thank you for being here"

"We're family, you don't have to thank us for anything" Allen gave you a small smile, but it lasted for only a moment "Your mom flew over the day after you were hospitalized. She'd been up all night watching over you but she went back to our apartment to take a shower. Luca went to pick her up" He poured you a glass of water.

You eyed the heart monitor and then your cast "My parents. . ."

Someone knocked on the door and your mother arrived with a stuffed giraffe and swollen eyes.

Your mom didn't bother to keep her cool—when it came to their children mothers never did. "My girl, thank the Lord you're okay!" She held your face in her calloused palms and kissed your cheeks over and over again. You didn't stop her.

"I'm okay, mom" You spoke because the way she held you gave you the impression that she was too scared to let go.

"The doctors told me that there was a chance you might never wake up. Christ, if you knew how much your dad cried. . ."

You didn't ask why he wasn't here. Dad couldn't leave his job even if this was a family emergency, his boss was an asshole and you were satisfied with having your mom. You just wished he was here to see for himself that you were all right.

He and Arin silently left the room as your mom finally relaxed and pulled away, wiping her tears away with a handkerchief.

"Are you hungry, honey? 'Course you are. What do you want to eat, hm?"

"Mom, it's okay, the nurse brought me something earlier" Though frankly you could feel it stirring in your stomach.

"Sure thing, but" She reached inside her tote bag, which she always kept stacked with snacks, gum, water, chargers and extra clothes. She pulled out a Fritos "Hospital food sucks"

You chuckled, "I'm not that hungry. In fact I feel like crap. I mean, I'm not in pain" You quickly added when her brows came together "—I'm just not in the mood right now."

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