Chapter 14

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DOCTOR HEBRON WASN'T able to make it today and your class had two hours all to yourselves. But as tempting as it was to take a nap you took out your textbooks and overused pink highlighter. Your workaholic tendencies tripled after the threat of losing your scholarship. Ever since you signed that contract with Mr. Vargas, you didn't waste time when it came to your studies. Your efforts have been paying off, thank God, just recently you managed to get zero mistakes on a cardiology practical test.

Ironically, your calendar has never been more packed with social affairs.

Your phone vibrated from the bottom of your backpack and you tacked an orange Post-it on the chapter before shutting the book and picking up. You didn't have to look at the ID to know who it was.

"I was going to leave you a voicemail but this is fine too" Luciano's voice was quiet but lightheartedly teasing.

Having grown used to his flirty behavior, you paid it no mind and replied, "Another garden party with your family?"

He chuckled "No, cucciola. Next Friday I've a business meeting in Rome and I wanted to introduce you to some of my colleagues."

"A business meeting, you say. I don't see why I have to meet your fellow CEOs." Your voice was respectful but flat. You hated to whine, because regardless of the kind of man he was, Luciano still kept you in school. But lately you've been so stressed even your PT was concerned that it may affect your recovery. You've been doing your best not to let that happen.

"I don't see why not" He said it matter-of-factly, "When a man has met that special girl for him it's only natural to show her off"

You quirked an eyebrow at the statement, but he backpedaled and explained, "I hope I didn't offend you, my dear. I just meant that people should be proud of their lovers. I didn't mean to imply that you're some sort of pet or that I own you"

You almost chuckled at this poorly executed apology. It was almost adorable. "All right. I'll be sure to dress to the nines."

He then proceeded to tell you about the restaurant, the types of people you were going to meet for that Sunday night.

"Wait, next Sunday?" You cut him off.

"Yes. Is there a problem? Do you have a study group planned?" You've never denied him a date, you didn't have that kind of audacity to refuse. However, next week would be specially hectic. You reached over your lame leg and into your purse. You had five on the spot test, three online, several study sessions with your group, and—"It's Arin and Allen's birthday." You had circled the date with a thick red marker. Exclamation marks were used liberally.

Arin loved parties, and one dedicated to (mostly) herself was something she always looked forward to. Allen was always silent about it, he may act indifferent but letting his sister shine despite that it was their birthday was his special way of showing his affections. He seldom messed with her plans. However, even he valued his own birthday. And you were their best friend, for you to miss this—and for "some guy"—would be a big deal.

Luciano called your name.

"Ugh . . ." What were you going to do?

"If you have other plans, you don't have to come." He said after a full minute of silence on your end "I know we're lovers but you don't always have to agree with me and my plans . . . Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?" He asked with a chuckle "I'm not that selfish. I'm a little insulted though"

"I don't know what to say"

"You don't have to. There will be other chances to meet them anyway" You heard a woman's voice from the background and Luciano replied in Italian before returning to you "I have to go now. Have fun with your party." And with that the other line went dead.

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