Chapter 8

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THE APARTMENT WAS empty when Luciano helped you up the building.

"They're probably still studying" You said.

He stood by the door, silently observing the inside of the unit. Paper carpeted the floor, textbooks both old and new stacked on top of each other in a corner, post-its were virtually everywhere.

Luciano found a note by the light switch.

"'Un interruttore'?" He turned to you "You're learning Italian?" Of course he wouldn't assume that it was one of the Rosewater twins.

You flushed "I'm trying"

He smiled and blurted something far too fast—most likely a question because of the cadence—and the only word you caught was bella. Italian for "pretty". You tiwsted your mouth in frustration "I have no idea what you just said"

He chuckled "I asked you 'May I come in and help you with your conditions, pretty lady?'"

"Oh. Oh—no, no. I don't think that's a good idea"

"I'm not going to manipulate you into entering a sexual affair"

You rolled your eyes "It's not that. What I meant is—" You tapped the watch on your wrist "It's seven p.m. and either Arin or Allen can walk in on us any minute"

"We aren't going to fuck in the living room floor, sweetheart, we're just going to write your conditions together. Is that so bad? Besides" His lips curled teasingly "I think your friends like me"

There was no way out of this.

You sighed. "Would you like a drink?"

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Luciano asked, taking the yellow legal pad from you. The black tea you prepared him was left untouched. Prick.

"Yes" You crossed your arms in an attempt to appear assertive, that you wouldn't have it any other way. Deep inside you were throbbing in anxiety as he scanned the list you made. If he had any protests. . .You didn't know how to deal with that. Luciano was your last option here, but you doubted that you were his first.

You began to sweat. You didn't have the upper hand here, if he didn't like your terms he could just turn around and find some other girl, some girl who probably would act for free.

Luciano ripped the paper from the pad.

Your breath hitched.

He folded the paper and tucked it inside his jacket "I'll call you as soon as I talk to my lawyer about this. He's still in Manila dealing with an indictment"

Ignoring the use of the word indictment, you gulped with relief.

He raised an eyebrow at the way your shoulders slumped free of distress. He smiled "Aw, did you think I'd say no to you?" He grabbed your chin and you almost gasped. His eyes were piercing. "Were you worried?"


He blinked back in surprise, clearly he didn't expect you to be frank.

You massaged your shoulder "I'm desperate. Believe me I wouldn't have done this unless I had no other choice" A thought chilled the blood in your veins and you hugged yourself, If I was willing to do this, what else would I have done without Luciano's offer?

The door creaked open.

Allen froze at seeing Luciano standing over the coffee table. He fixed his posture "I beg your pardon, I wasn't aware [Name] was having company" His eyes fell over your form at the mention of your name.

The Boss (2P!Italy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now