Chapter 2//Insistent imbeciles

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The office is a large, modern space with carpet the colour of blood and a large front desk made of marble. I make my way up to the desk and spot a pale middle aged woman typing away. As she sees me approaching she looks up from her computer with a wide smile. Up until now I hadn't realised that she was a vampire, but the pearly white fangs were a bit of a give away.

"Hello, how can I help you?" She asks. I can tell that she is trying not to vomit at the sight of me. The blood I can smell in her breath makes me want to vomit too.

"I'm new, and I was looking for my schedule".

"Oh yes, you must be Ella!" She says, quite excitedly.

"Um yeah".

"Oh forgive me, but we haven't had many new students in a while" she says.

"I wonder why" I mutter under my breath.

She types something into her computer and the printer vibrates before she hands me a thin piece of paper.

"Here you go. Have a nice day!"

I nod a thank you then leave the office, but just as I'm looking through my schedule I run face first into a small yet strong figure. I'm knocked to the ground with the figure and we both scramble to regain our posture.

"I'm so so sorry!" a feminine voice says, then she looks at me and gasps, "you're her..." she whispers.

Now that I look at her, she is quite attractive with curious green eyes and fair hair.

"Pardon?"I ask.

"Oh, I'm Saskia and what I meant was that you're the girl that everyone's talking about" she says. I give her yet another confused look.

"The girl who super power threw Kyle across the courtyard!" She says.

"Ohhh, yeah".

"Well I don't have any idea how you did it, but I like you. You're not like all the other bimbos in this school that fall head over heals in love with Kyle the first moment they see him." She says laughing at the end.

"Why would I do that?" I ask, genuinely confused.

She blinks at me for a moment because continuing,"because he is a frickin God!", she says as though it is the most obvious thing in the world. I can't help but laugh.

"Sorry but I'm player proof. Kyle isn't getting anywhere with me." I say smirking. But just as I finish my sentence I feel a familiar, muscular arm wrap around my shoulder.

"Is that so?" Kyle asks, smirking. I shrug his arm off my shoulder.

"It was nice meeting you Saskia, I can't say the same for you" I say to Kyle before walking off. Unfortunately he follows me.

"Now is that any way to treat the guy you just hurled across the courtyard? How did you do that by the way? I thought you were a werewolf not a witch." He says looking completely utterly confused.

"If I tell you will you leave me alone?".

"Yes" he says grinning from ear to ear.

"Fine. I'm a unique species of werewolf that is a cross between a werewolf and a coyote. It gives me.... powers." I say, whispering the last bit.

"Care to elaborate on that?".

"You said you'd leave me alone!".

"But you didn't give me all the information I asked for.".

I roll my eyes and walk away. He follows me yet again. Getting frustrated I turn around, my hands balled into fists.

"Would you like me to hurl you against a locker?" I hiss.

He scoffs, "last time was a fluke! You couldn't handle me without all your fancy powers." He says laughing.

I smirk,"care to give it a try?" I ask. I hadn't noticed until now but a large crowd had gathered around us and was beginning to chant "fight fight fight!". Then the crowd started moving to the football field and I was helplessly dragged along.

We now stood at opposite ends of the field. His golden hair hung limply over his cheek bone making my heart flutter, but the smirk plastered on his face made me want to sew his mouth shut. But instead I growled in his direction before leaping forwards and shifting midair. My coyote is a light grey mixed with white. My eyes are a bright blue the colour of the ocean. Then Kyle shifts. I can feel myself shrink back.

Kyle's wolf is jet black and his eyes.... are red.

Kyle's the alpha of the Edgewater High pack.

I hear my inner coyote scream mate!!! He's your mate!! He seems to be going through the same thing.

We both shift back to human and back up a couple steps.

At the same time we both whisper, "mate", then look deep into each other's eyes.

Then I quickly bolt into the woods leaving the school and Kyle behind.

OMG they're mates!!! This just got a whole hell a awkward...
Oh and just a note. In my story werewolves only find their mates once meeting them in wolf form. So they were really mates all along but they didn't realise until they both shifted.

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