Chapter 11//Temptations

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Hi all! I've decided that I'm going to update once a week after this chapter ( but I will still be updating two days from now). I'm not sure what the calendar is like in other countries but I live in Australia and I'm updating every Friday. However, I'm going to try and make the chapters longer since I've started writing on my laptop. xoxo

Everything is black. My body is shivering from the cold water surrounding me. I desperately try to expel the chills inside me but no matter how hard I try, the darkness is stronger. It holds my breath in it's lifeless arms, taunting me with the bubbles slowly escaping from my nose. 

The world has become an ocean and I'm drowning. I've been forgotten. Abandoned. Betrayed. 


Where is Kyle? He is supposed to protect me. He was supposed to be the one to catch me when I fall. But here I am alone. He has left me.

When I turn I find myself looking at myself. My reflection. I can't help but gasp, releasing a flurry of bubbles filled with precious oxygen. But just as soon as it had appeared, my reflection vanished, replaced with a man and a woman. 

My parents.

Another gasp escapes my lips as I claw my way through the water, towards them, but as much as I try I can't reach them. They smile at me. I look into my mothers kind eyes, a familiar fire burning behind them. I look a lot like my mother. We both share the same light brown hair, blazing eyes and stubborn smirk. 

I miss that.

I miss being able to compare myself to someone. Someone who will love and understand me unconditionally. You know, people don't actually appreciate their parents until they are gone. I learnt that a long time ago..

My mother smiles at me, but I can see the sadness in her eyes.

I feel myself suck in oxygen though I am still under water. Then her mouths shapes words. Words that echo through the entire ocean.

"They are coming Ella," she whispers, "They are coming for you. For your powers. You have to leave."

I think for a moment, then respond.

".... I can't leave him".

"I know. But no matter how hard he may try to protect you, they will come back even stronger. If you don't leave, he will die protecting you".

I feel tears clouding my eyes.

"When?" I whisper.

"Within the week. They will come when the moon is at it's fullest, this Friday ."

I nod.

"Will I see you again?". Tears are now spotting my cheeks.

"Yes, Ella. I will be with you always, in your dreams.."

My dad smiles at me and reaches for my mother's hand as they fade further into the darkness, until they have disappeared all together. 

My eyelids slowly flicker open.

The light is drifting through the curtains onto my cheeks. My tank top and shorts cling tightly to my body as I move. Sighing, I wrap my arms further around the soft pillow I'm clinging to. Its warmth is reassuring and comforting. But then I realise...

The New Girl //COMPLETED//Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora