Chapter 19// Without You

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Kyle's POV

My life is falling apart. Nothing means what it used to. I don't find comfort in anything anymore. Now that she's gone...

It almost feels like she's still with me. I can see her everywhere I turn. The pink in the flowers by the river, reminds me of the blush in her cheeks. The white in the clouds reminds me of the white roses I had laid in her hands at the place I left her. I didn't want to take her back with me the entire way and since she was not really a part of my pack yet I feel that she would have wanted to be left with nature.

Leaving her there was the hardest thing I have ever done. It took 5 of my wolves to stop me from going back to the hunter's camp and killing them all. Those vicious bastards took her from me. They took my Ella. They took any happiness that might have existed in my life and tore it to shreds. It only seemed fair that I do the same to them.

I had heard of what losing your mate does to people. About how it feels as though your chest is being torn in half and the most crucial organ is being ripped out, leaving you with a meaningless heart and a purposeless body.

Most people who have lost their mate have tried to kill themselves and the alpha bond is supposed to be even stronger, yet I feel absolutely nothing. I don't feel happiness or pain or anger. Nothing matters anymore. I don't think my face will ever form a single emotion ever again. Why would it? All emotions are pointless without someone to share them with.

I know that I have to continue running through this endless forest for the sake of my pack, but not even the exhilaration of the wind in my fur can drown out my aching. It's like I'm running to find something, yet no matter where I run, the only place I would ever want to be is with her.

With my Ella.

Unknown POV

I've learnt over my years that life is a journey fills with bumps and turns that can throw you off sometimes. Most of the time when something like this happens I simply lift myself back up and try even harder the next time.

However, I'm pretty sure that that is far from what has happened just now.

When the darkness clouding my mind finally clears I find myself lying in the forest floor with a sharp pain in the back of my neck. I try to twist it either way, in hope of stretching out the knot in my muscle and just as I had hoped, the pain subsided with a startling click.

Wow, I must have been laying there for a while to have my neck cracking that much.

Slowly standing and stretching I begin to survey my surroundings, until I remember. The surge of new abilities. The fall from the tree.

Then it hits me.

Oh god, I died didn't I.

I must have developed a healing ability that saved me, otherwise Kyle wouldn't have left me. He must have thought that I was dead. Well, the bouquet of white flowers in my hands kinda gave it away.

How long has it been? I have to catch up to him before I lose him forever.

Filled with a surge of determination I start to run through the woods, shifting into my coyote mid-stride.

The moment the surging wind meets my fur I feel at home. The adrenaline from the bristling of my fur is extremely soothing and temporarily distracts me from the feeling of loneliness. I guess the mate bond is still intact since I can feel it as I get closer and closer to my mate.

It's like having an elastic band stretched in between Kyle and I, except it feels so much worse this time. A sudden pain fills my heart and causes me to pause. It feels as if my heart is being ripped out and I have no purpose in the world. Then I feel complete and utter adoration for the one I love. The surge of emotions confuses me, not just because I am new to the subject of 'feeling things' but also because this is not my pain I'm feeling. No, this is someone else's.


I must be experiencing a portion of the pain he is feeling at my death.

Oh god what have I done?

He thinks I'm dead. This feeling is overwhelming and I desperately want to tell him how I understand his pain and feel the same passion. However, the fog of my guilt is cleared by a single moment of realisation that changes my life forever.

Kyle loves me.

I can feel it. That shared passion between us. That desire to meet their every need and answer to their every request. The happiness that fills me is ceremonious. For once I have someone who actually cares about me. For once I'm not alone.

Well, at the moment I'm alone in the middle of this forest by still, details details.

Kyle loves me and I love him back. But he doesn't know....

I have to find him. I have to tell him how I feel and accept him as my mate. Kyle, my alpha and I his Luna. We can start a family and run the Edgewater pack together. We can grow old beside one another and watch as our pups meet their mates and have children of their own...

I finally have a future. A family. A place to belong.

But first I have to find him.

So I continue running through the woods like there is no tomorrow.


A couple of hours later I stop to take a break. As much as I yearn to continue running towards him, I know that he would prefer it if when I finally found him I was not near death due to exhaustion. I can't help but laugh at the irony of that situation.

However, I'm whipped out of my daze by the snapping of a twig. My instincts automatically kick in as I spin around and scan my surroundings, bending in a low defensive position.

Then finally a woman steps out from behind a  tree, dressed in all white. She has a certain extraterrestrial look about her, with perfect features and a faint white glow circling her. The silky white dress that she has adorned seems to glide through the trees as she walks closer. It dips down just above her ankles, with slits in the sides and an open shoulder cut that gives off a sense of elegance and authority.

However, what really catches my gaze is her face. At the sight of her gorgeous features extremely similar to my own I am completely and utterly flabbergasted.

The woman in front of me is my mother.

"You- You're the moon goddess aren't you".

Soz for the late update, I understand that I have been killing some people in making you wait but I'm staying at a friend's house so updating is hard. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and I'll probs update tomorrow as well to make up for the wait.

I also want to announce a new story I am writing called the Chosen. It's basically about this society where every generation 4 people are Chosen, each possessing the ability to control one of the elements and how this girl Skyler becomes the first female Chosen in 500 years and also the most powerful of the four. So anyway, READ IT!!


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