6.4K 186 41

Hi everyone. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read my book, I really appreciate it. I just got to 30K reads and that it fantastic!! Thx for all the support that everyone has been giving.

However, there are a lot of people who lately have also been telling me that my chapters are too short and that I'm a bad writer. Look, I understand that they aren't as long as most, but I still think that you have no right to criticise my work. Everyone has to understand that I go out of my way to write for you guys, when I should probably be studying more for my exams. So I'd appreciate it if people would stop telling me that I write short chapters, when really it's because I have an ACTUAL LIFE!!

A lot of my friends have been telling me to stop writing cause it's a waste of time, when I could be working harder at school and I- being the enormously stubborn person that I am- said ' no thanks, now bugger off plz' or 'Just f*** off'. So plz don't leave rude comments.

If you have any spelling mistakes or basic errors that's fine, but I think that it is just insulting to personally message me saying that my book is bad. It is also extremely rude to say that this reflects on me as a writer.

I'm not gonna name names but I'd appreciate that those who have been texting me to plz stop because it makes me really sad and self conscious.

However, for those of you who have supported me throughout this werewolf journey I thank you sooooo much. My readers mean a lot to me, so thx for all the nice comments I've been getting. Soz for missing a couple updates but you know how it is at this part of the term when all those pointless essays and maths tests come rolling by. I guarantee you that high school is the bane of my existence!!!
(Those who have read The Mortal Instruments can now appreciate my Magnus Bane reference)

But anyways I hope to update tomorrow, even though I may die under the pile of homework I have first.


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