You Wear Their Clothes For The First Time

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Would see you wearing one of his hoodies, inside he's really loving seeing you in his clothes and would kinda hint that he wants to see you in them more often yet not make it overly obvious that he likes it so much. Would try and put a light nagging tone into his words or make it seem as if it isn't okay to do all the time, but just do it all the time anyway because this kid won't admit he likes it so much.

"Is that my hoodie? I guess you can wear it because it is cold, just on this occasion though."


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He would be lowkey mad but that would only be because you decided to wear his favourite shirt, which he had probably spent a good 10-15 minutes trying to find and you've been wearing it all along. He'd lightly express his annoyance but it wouldn't last long because he couldn't help but smile at how cute you looked in that shirt.

"I've just spent so long looking for that shirt Y/N...Ugh you do look really cute in it though!"

Baekhyun:Baek would tease you, obviously he likes that you're wearing his clothes but he ain't gonna admit that now is he? No instead he chooses to tease you, he'll make little baby noises at you and pinch your cheeks, constantly saying how cute y...

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Baek would tease you, obviously he likes that you're wearing his clothes but he ain't gonna admit that now is he? No instead he chooses to tease you, he'll make little baby noises at you and pinch your cheeks, constantly saying how cute you are but in an annoying voice. You'll roll your eyes and go and take his jumper off and change into your own clothes but he'd stop you and tell you to carry on wearing his, leaving you 100% confused because he's so bipolar.

"Aweee look at the cute little baby... wait where are you going I didn't say that take it off!"

 wait where are you going I didn't say that take it off!"

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