Chapter 2

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Demi's POV

I open my eyes and I'm in a bedroom but it's not the hotel bedroom. I breath in deeply and look up to see Simon's face above me. His arm is wrapped around my body and I try to remember what I did. I remember falling asleep on the couch but I was so tired I don't remember much else. I look up again and his eyes start to open slightly.
"Morning." I mumble to him and a smile starts to spread on his face.

"Morning love." he replies and a lower tone than normal.

"What time is it?" I ask, now starting to worry that I didn't even show back up last night to the hotel.

"It is 6:30AM." he says and I jump out of the bed.
"What are you doing?" he asks as I run to his bathroom.

"I've got one hour to get back to the hotel and buy a room! If I don't then Max will find out I was gone all night!" I yelp as I was my face and use a spare toothbrush that he has. I run my fingers thrrough my hair and then walk back into his room where he is putting on some black boots.

"Let's go." he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me to his car. He literally speeds to the hotel. We end up getting there in ten minutes. I run to the desk with him behind me.  We order a room which takes a good twenty minutes. We end up ordering a room that's a floor below the room I was sharing with someone. Once we are inside the room, Simon bounces back on the bed and I giggle at his actions.

"So, what would you like to do for the next thirty minutes before Max starts blowing up my phone! Asking where I am?" I giggle.

"Well, I have a few ideas." he smirks and I feel my face get completely hot.

"You know you've got a really dirty mind." he smiles, pinning me against the wall.

"I thought we established you were the one with dirty thoughts." I whisper and peck his lips.

"How much time do we have?" he asks.

"Twenty Minutes." I whisper.

"I only need ten." He growls and attacks my neck. I gasp in surprise and then feel myself getting picked up and thrown down onto the bed. He pulls my pants off and then rips off my panties quickly. Soon his head is between my legs making me want to scream his name.

~Fifteen Minutes Later~

I'm laying beside Simon and still have a few sweat beads on my forehead from what he just did.
"How many minutes?" He asked. I look over at the clock and I only have five minutes.

"SH*T!!" I yelp and fall of the bed at the same time.

"What?" He chuckles.

"I only have five minutes!" I scream and run to the bathroom. I clean up my face and run my fingers through my hair. I then kiss Simon's lips right before there's a knock on the door.

"Right on time." He smiles and stands up so it doesn't look awkward.

"Max." I grin as I open the door to him. He looks fuming right now.
"What's your problem?" I ask.

"Da*n Demi! You just up and disappear! You didn't even tell me!" He yelps.

"That was my fault." Simon steps in.

"It was?" I say confused.

"Who are you?" Max asks rudely.

"I'm Simon Cowell." Simon says and puffs his chest a little so it makes him look taller.

"You mean The Simon Cowell?" Max asks with shock and fear written on his face.

"Yes and who are you? Talking to a woman the way you just did?" He asks now angry.

"It's just she didn't...." Max starts.

"I don't care! There's no reason to yell at a woman. Now if you would let me finish my conversation with her about a record deal that would be great." He says harshly.

"Y-y-yes sir." Max says and then backs away as I shut my door.

"Record deal?" I ask him now laughing really hard.

"Well, I'd gladly give you one if you wanted it." He smiles and leans against the wall. I stand on my tip toes and kiss him softly.

"I think it's time I go get ready for rehearsal." I whisper, my lips grazing his after each word.

"Alright. I'll see you soon. Text me when you wanna hang out again." He winks.

"Will do sexy." I say in a seductive voice before he walks out the door.

Amanda's POV

I'm finishing up lunch when my phone starts going off and I quickly answer.
"Hello." I whisper and hop onto the counter.

"Hey Amanda. It's Jonathan." He says.

"Oh hey." I say.

"So I was thinking for BGT this year we could have Piers and then Simon Cowell." He says.

"Simon Cowell?" I ask, only knowing the name and not the face.

"Yeah." He says in a duh tone.
"Don't you know him?" He asks.

"I know the name but not him." I say.

"Oh wow! You'll love him! He's a great man with great taste." He says excitedly.

"So, when do I get to meet him then?" I ask curiously.

"It's gonna be at least four and a half months." He smiles.

"I thought we still had five months left." I whisper, sliding off the counter so I can go sit somewhere more comfortable.

"Nope! Just four and a half since we are starting early this year." He says.

"Oh alright well then. I guess I'll see you in four and a half months." I smirks and he chuckles.

"Alright then. It was nice talking to you Amanda. Bye." He says and then hangs the phone up.

"Who was that?" Piers asks, walking in the door.

"Oh just Jonathan." I smile, standing up to greet him with a peck on the lips.

"Our producer? What's he need?" He asks, his hands on my waist.

"Just telling me who the judge will be." I smirk.

"Well, who is it?" He asks.

"His name is Simon Cowell." I say like his name is foreign to me.

"Oh God." He mumbles.

"What?" I ask now wanting to know the problem.

"Simon Cowell is a complete asshole! All he does is tell everyone how bad they are!" He says.

"The producer said he was sweet and I would love him." I say strangely.

"Well, he's not! He's just an ass." He says angrily and I can tell he's acting out of jealousy.

"Am I sensing a bit of jealousy?" I whisper, my lips getting closer.

"Me? Jealous? No!" He says in disbelief.

"Your jealous but there's no reason to. I'm only yours baby." I whisper and then grab the collar of his blazer with my hands and kiss him roughly.

"Mmmm, I love you Amanda." He says and then pulls me to his chest.

"I love you too Piers." I smile and wrap my arms tightly around his waist.

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