Chapter 13

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Amanda's POV

I've been the happiest I could be since last week at BGT. Of course people are always running to me and asking for my autograph with some Simanda stuff and giving it to me. It gets kind of annoying but it's all worth it to me. I love him so da*n much. I walk into my home and someone Simon jumps out of no where and makes me scream very loudly.
"SHHHH! Amanda!" he says and puts his arm around me.

"Don't do that to me!" I yelp and slap his chest.

"Owwww!" he whines and rubs the spot I slapped.

"What are you even doing here?" I ask, now with a smile on my face.

"I just wanted to come see my Mandy baby." he smirks and pulls my closer.

"I could have just dropped by your place." I laugh.

"Oh no honey, the paps have been swarming all over my place!" he says and kisses my cheek.

"Is this ever going to calm down?" I ask and then frown.

"Not for another few months maybe even years." he sighs and looks up at me as he's plopped on the couch.

"I don't know how much longer I can deal with this sh*t." I whisper and plop beside him. He pulls me closer and puts a kiss on my cheek and then traces it back to my ear.

"It's all worth it though...right?" he whispers softly into my ear.

"I don't know." I say sarcasticly.

"You did not just say that to me did you?" he asks with a serious face and I know I've got on his nerve.

"Oh baby...I did." I say in a more serious tone and he frowns and then tackles me to the ground .

"Take it back!" he says.

"Hell no!" I yelp and try to use my strength to push away and I did. I'm now on top of him and he's laughing from me now tickling him. I didn't think he was ticklesh but I was wrong. 

"Stop." he says while laughing so hard he's crying. I giggle and pull my hands away as he wipes his eyes. 

"I love you Simon." I whisper and he looks right  into my eyes with his cinnomon brown ones.

"I love you too baby girl." he smirks and pulls me down to kiss him. Our lips connect softly and I feel those same fireworks I've felt since the first day I've met him. I breath in a sharp breath as I feel his hand run up my shirt and our eyes meet.
"Amanda, will you marry me?" He mumbles as his lips are grazing my neck.

"What?!?" I gasp and push him away. I've not been with him very long. I can't just run off and get married.

"What? I thought you'd want to." he says looking at me now strangely.

"No! We have not been together very long and I can't up and get married that easily." I say and go to get up but he pulls my hips back down to his.

"We are in love...why don't you want to get married? I've never felt so strongly about anyone the day I do with you. I know I have to pursue you." he says and carresses my face.

"I'm not marrying you Simon. I love you but I'm not ready for this yet." I whisper and stand up holding my head.

"Mandy I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." I hear him mumble and now I feel bad for bursting like I did. I pull myself up onto the counter to sit and then look over at him. His body language has completely changed. From up beat to slouching and his hands are hiding his face. I watch his breathing and notice how it staggers. Is he crying? Now I really do feel like sh*t for this. I slide down and sit on the floor against the couch so I can look at him.

"Simon." I whisper and he just shakes his head.

"I think I need to go." He mumbles and turns so quickly that I don't get to see his face.

Simon's POV

I face Amanda's door ready to walk out. I don't know why I'm crying. I never cry about anything but when it's's completely different. It's as if she brings out a completely diffrent person who around other people is in hiding. I feel her small hand touch my back and I tense under her touch. 
"Simon, please say something." she whispers and I turn to face her.

"I'm sorry I asked." I say and she frowns.

"It's okay I shouldn't have freaked like I did." she says and wipes my face. I nod and bite my lip out of nervousness.  She giggles and I look down at her.
"Why are you biting your lip?" she asks and I feel her hand slip into mine.

"No reason. How about we forget this happened and just watch movies together." I say tring to change the subject.

"We could try." She says and pulls me to the couch, pushing me down and turning on Netflix. We sit and watch a bunch of stupid shows, laughing and cuddling next to each other. It ends up getting pretty late and she falls asleep with her head in my lap. I run my fingers through her long blonde hair that goes down almost to the middle of her back. As my fingertips trace her hair line a shiver comes from her body and I grab the blanket off the back of the couch and cover her up. Her body finally relaxes and I thank my lucky stars for her.

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