Chapter 3

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Amanda's POV
~1 1/2 months later~

It's only three months until BGT starts back up and it's gonna be very long. So I've decided that I wanted to go to the beach for about a week. Piers and I are flying to L.A now so that way we can get in some beach time before we get to sleep tonight. The pilot says over the speaker that we are about to land so I buckle my seat belt and close my eyes tightly. Piers is never much help when we are landing because all he does is make a shushing noise and it's annoying as hell. I know he's trying and I love him for that but could he take the shushing somewhere else. After we land, we are drove to the hotel that's right by a private beach. Very few people use it which is why Piers and I are using it. I pull on my bathing suit and then decide to just tell Piers that I'll me him at the beach. Once I've found my perfect spot I set my towel down and sit down on my bottom.
"It's so beautiful out here." A girl says who just took a seat beside me.

"Oh yeah it's wonderful." I sigh and she turns to me. She can't be more than twenty-six.

"I'm Demi. Demi Lovato." she smiles.

"Oh I know that name. Aren't you doing a bunch of concerts back home?" I ask.

"Depends on where back home is." she smiles.

"Oh, the U.K." I smile.

"Yes I am! I just have a break and I wanted to come back to L.A. for some beach time." she says and throws her head back. I giggle and take my glasses off, looking at her.

"My names Amanda Holden." I say and put out my hand.

"Oh, your famous in the U.K." she smiles widely and instead of shaking my hand she hugs me.
"I like hugging more than anything." she laughs.

"So, what is a beautiful young girl like you doing here alone?" I ask.

"Oh, I'm not! My boyfriend is actually in the hotel doing work! I can never pull him away from that computer!" she says and waves her hand around as she talks.

"Well, you want me to tell you a good way to get him away from that computer?" I ask with a smirk.

"PLEASE!" she begs.

"Be sexy.....tempt him if you please." I smile and she looks at me devishly.

"Oooo dirty but I like it." she says with a chesire grin and then looks at her phone.
"Oh, that's him! Probably wanting food. Hold on just a moment." she says and then walks a bit away while she's on the phone but she doesn't know I can hear her over the ocean. Instead of being nosey I just listen to the ocean waves and wait for her to come back.
"Well, I have to get going." she says and I stand up.

"Awe, okay! Well, it was nicing meeting you Demi." I smile and hug her before she walks off. After she has left I hear Piers calling my name. I look behind me and he's walking towards me with no shirt and a towel on his arm. Once he's sat down beside me I kiss his lips softly.

Demi's POV

I walk into my hotel room with a pizza and see Simon is sitting at the desk on his computer. I let out a heavy sigh and he turns his head to see me.
"Hey Dem." he says and then turns back to his computer. I frown and decide to take Amanda's advice. I place myself in between him and his computer and then slowly take of my bathing suit cover. He just eyeballs me and pulls me down onto his lap. I kiss anywhere he wants and I'm at the base of his neck when his computer dings. His hands tighten a bit on my hips and then he sweeps his computer off and into the floor. I hear the shatter of the screen and look up at him.

"I think you just broke your only computer." I whisper.

"I don't care anymore." he replies and places me now on the empty desk as his hands wander all over my, pretty much half naked body. I mentally thank Amanda for the help.


Amanda's POV
~2 months later~

Only one month until BGT and I'm sitting with my friend to help me pick out an outfit. She points out a striped dress that's cut out at the side and it honestly doesn't look that bad. 
"I think that will be the perfect one." I smile.

"What are you gonna do with your hair?" she asks, running her fingers through the ends.

"I think instead of the brown and's time to change." I smile.

"Oh! What now!?!?" she jumps around.

"Let's go blonde!" I smirk.

"Oooo Mandy your gonna look super sexy! Let's do it!" she shouts as we run to the car to buy hair products.

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