Chpater 9

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Amanda's POV

I wake up to my phone ringing quite loudly. I absent mindly answer it without looking who it actually is. 
"Hello." I say grumpily.

"Amanda, it's Piers. I need to talk to you." he whispers.

"Why are you whispering?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it. Just meet me at the coffee shop we used to go to all the time." he says and I just hang up on him. I fall back on my pillow and feel my hand hit bare skin. I look over and there is Simon. I study his face and he's very handsome may I add. His hair is all sticking up from him sleeping. I look at the clock and it's five in the morning. I sigh heavily and I feel his arm wrap tightly around me. I turn over and he has a smirk on his face.

"Morning." I smile and peck his lips.

"Good Morning beautiful." he says and carresses my face a bit. I smirk and kiss him softly. It turns kind of rough and I roll over so I'm on top of him. My phone makes a ding and I let out a bit of a growl. I pick up my phone to see it's Piers sending me times. I turn my phone completely off and he just stares at me.

"What?" I giggle and he just chuckles.

"You know what I'm thinking about?" he asks.

"Shower sex?" I perk, feeling really horny today

"I wasn't...." he says and grips my hips.

"It sounds really good though." I smirk and he just laughs.

"I wanted to ask you a question first." he says and I settle down a bit.

"What's that?" I ask waiting for his answer.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asks a bit shakey.

"I thought I already was." I chuckle and he laughs along, sitting up with me still in his lap.

"Well, I hadn't offically asked the question so I had to ask." he says and I kiss his lips making his body stay still. I pull away and he begins to shake again.

"Why are you shaking?" I giggle and he rubs his arms.

"I'm freezing my ass off. Are you not cold?" he asks.

"No and I know how to fix being cold." I smile.

"What?" he asks.

"Hot....Steamy..." I start.

"Hot, Steamy what?" he shivers.

"Showerrrrrr sexxxxx." I whisper in his ear and he groans.

"Why are you so horny this morning?" he groans and his groan is kind of a turn on.....Man I really am bad this morning.

"Hmmm....I actually don't know why I'm being that way." I laugh and decide to get up. I scoop up his shirt and put it on and he frowns.
"What?" I giggle.

"I'm colddddd." he whines.

"Well, I'd let you use a jacket but your not a girl who can fit my size." I laugh.

"Well, you do look super cute." he smiles and wrestles me down to the ground.

"I know." I laugh and try to get up but he's got me pinned to the ground. I giggle as he begins to tickles my sides with one of his hands. I yelp and scream out his name, crying in the process from laughing so hard.

"Say I'm super sexy and the smartest." he chuckles.

"Hell no!" I yelp.

"Fine!" he says and starts tickling me with both hands. My fingers go to his belt loops as I buck my hips trying to get him off so I can get up. It just is not working at all.

"Okay Okay!" I yelp and he stops so I can speak.

"What would you like to tell me?" he asks.

"Your super sexy and...kinda smart." I giggle.

"That'll do for now." he chuckles and kisses my lips before picking me up and carrying me down the stairs. 
"What do you want for breakfast today?" he asks.

"You." I smirk and he looks at me in shock.

"You wish." he laughs.

"Oh no honey, I dream." I say smartly and slide from his hips and sit on the couch as he plops beside me. I smirk at the thought of actually having him in my life. The way his laugh completely paralyzes me and his scent. I just want to drown in it. I know it sounds weird but I just love it. 

"What you thinking about there?" Simon asks.

"Oh nothing." I smile and he looks at me knowingly.
"Don't look at me like that." I whine and he chuckles.

"I've got to get new clothes so that means I'm leaving." he says and as he goes to get up I stand on the couch and jump on his back.
"Mandy, what are you doing?" he laughs.

"Please don't go! I want to be with youuuuu." I whine and he just keeps laughing.

"I'll be back tomorrow! I promise." he says and reaches his pinkie up so we can swear on it.

"Fineeeee." I say and slide off his back. He turns around with a wide smile and I realize he still doesn't have his shirt on.
"I guess you need this back." I whisper and begin to take it off.

"Actually no, you look way more sexy in it then I do." he says and I blush profusely.
"Awe, did I make my baby girl blush." he smiles.

"Baby girl?" I ask.

"Is that to much?" he asks now worried.

"No, I like it....a lot." I reply and he looks relieved. 

"Alright, well I best get going before tomorrow." he says and pulls me to him. He carresses my face and then kisses my lips tenderly. I kiss back and my hands slide down his chest and around his waist tightly. His lips pull away and he rest his forehead on mine. 
"I'll see you tomorrow love." he whispers and then turns away and leaves. I stand there in awe at the beautiful moment we just had and I loved it. He's only been gone a few seconds and I already miss him and just want him to hold me. What is this man doing to me?

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