Chapter 15

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Amanda's POV
~1 year later~

I wake up from someone tapping me lightly and realize it's Simon laying beside me. I look at his face and things seem a bit unusal today. I've been doing Chemo therapy for a year now and it's not really done anything. I've lost all my hair and I'm weaker and smaller than I've ever been before in my whole life.
"Good Morning beautiful." he whispers with what looks like he's been crying.

"I'm not beautiful." I mumble as I grab my beanie to pull it on. He grabs my hand and stops me and then carresses my face with his other hand.

"Why can't you see your own beauty?" he whispers.

"Because being bald and almost being able to see my bones isn't's sick." I whisper as tears begin to fall down my face. He frowns and then slowly leans foward, kissing me as soft as he can. My hands slide up into his hair and he holds himself above me. One of my hands goes under his shirt and I hear him groan under my touch. He pulls away and looks at me with love in his eyes...not lust but love. 

"Amanda, are you sure about this? I don't want to hurt you." he says and I nod my head.
"I want a verbal response....I want to do this but I need you to be okay with it." he whispers.

"Please Simon.....It's fine, just kiss me and hold me." I whine softly and he nods, sliding his hand up my shirt and squeezing one of my breast tightly. I moan softly and strip his shirt off his body. We begin and he takes it slow but he does it out of love. He's making actual love to me.....nobody's ever done that to me. I love him so damn much.

~1hr later~

I'm laying on Simon's chest, slowly tracing my fingers across his hips and down pelvis bone and then back up. I listen to his heart beat and his breathing that almost match perfectly.
"Amanda, I have a question." he says.

"What's that?" I whisper and set my chin on his chest. He reaches over and grabs a red, velvet box and opens it.

"Will you marry me?" he asks and opens the box to a beautiful silver ring.

"Oh my God! Yes!" I cry and pull myself up to him, hugging his neck tightly. He puts the ring on my finger and kisses me a bit roughly. 

"I love you Mandy." he whispers.

"I love you too handsome." I reply back and he wraps his arms around my bare body and pulls me as close as physically possible. I feel the tears running down my cheeks and realize that I won't be here much longer. The chemo isn't working and I'm only getting smaller and weaker.

~2 months later~

I'm laying in the hospital bed after a surgery to remove the cancer and now I'm waiting on the doctor with results. Simon is asleep beside my bed....he hasn't left my side since I came to the hospital. He loves me and takes care of me like no one else. Sometimes I can't help but wonder if it's only because I've cancer and that's why he stays. The doctor walks in with a huge grin on his face.
"What's the news?" I whisper, afraid to even hear it.

"Amanda, we got every bit of it. Your cancer free." he says and I let out a yelp and pull him to me for a hug.

"It's really all gone." I whisper and he nods happily. After he leaves I let a few tears fall and Simon wakes up.

"What did I miss?" he whispers.

"It's gone." I whisper.

"What's gone?" he mumbles, rubbing his eyes.

"I don't have cancer anymore!" I say excited and he jumps up and his bodly collides with mine.

"So, your not leaving me?" he asks with tears beginning to well up.

"I'm right here to stay baby." I smirk and he smashes his lips against mine.

"I knew you could do it Mandy! I knew you could fight it!" he says excitedly.

"It's all because you kept me strong in my weakest moments." I smile and he just balls like a baby until someone enters the room.

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