12th April, 2014

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And the quote of the day is:

"There's always someone in your life that asks and expects an awful lot from you. And because you are a super-sensitive person with a great capacity for empathy and kindness, you comply. But sometimes you take it too far. You give more than you should. You are loyal to the people who don't deserve your loyalty. And you stand by those you care for even when they have deserted you emotionally. When this "person" asks again, do yourself a favor instead, and say NO."

~ Unknown

Because people like these aren't worth any of your time or attention. One can make a mistake in recognizing someone one time. Falling for that again and again would be a stupid mistake. Trust me when I say you are better off without them.

Poison_Princess06 signing out for the day. Please leave your votes and comments. I'd be more then happy to know your opinion and also discuss them with you.

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