Chapter 10 : Funaria Island

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It's finally the day for our camp! And I'm really excited but at the same time scared too. I wonder what all things I'll unveil on that island.

"Mel! Are you ready?! If not we'll go on without you!!" I heard Lori's voice.

I rolled my eyes. Like hell she would leave without me. She wouldn't be able to survive a day without me!

"Ya ya. I'm coming." I said and dragged my HUGE suitcase and of course a backpack.

I went to the living room and found the two sitting on the couch.

"Guys, I'm ready. Let's leave." I said.

"Finally, I thought you would never come out." Lori said. I rolled my eyes at her.

We three grabbed our luggage and left our room.

We walked towards Mrs. Withersfield's office where we were supposed to meet.

Alex and I were talking about what all things we'd do there and what all creatures we'll meet while Lori was just daydreaming (about Drew for sure😆)

"Drew!!" Lori yelled and Alex and I snapped our heads towards the front.

There just in front of Mrs. Withersfield's office stood the 3 guys.

Lori ran towards them while Bryson ran towards us, or particularly Alex.

"Alex!! I missed you so much!" He said trying to hug her.

"We just met yesterday you idiot! And don't call me that!" She yelled. He pouted.

"Aww why not? I love calling you that though." He said.

"Whatever. Let's go in now." Alex said with a slight blush coating her cheeks. I smirked at that.

My smirk turned into a frown as I melted an icicle coming towards me. I looked at Shawn to find him smirking.

"What the hell Shawn?! I could've been killed you know?!" I yelled.

"But you didn't right?" He asked calmly.

I gritted my teeth. "Let's just go in!" I said and knocked on the door before stepping in.

"Morning, Mrs. Withersfield!" I said with a smile.

"Good morning Melanie. You seem pretty excited." She said.

"I am! I can't wait to go there!" I said and the rest entered too.

"So are you all ready?" She asked. We nodded.

She closed her eyes and made some hand movements. Suddenly a warp hole was formed a few metres away from her. It was a mixture a black, blue and purple. It looked really beautiful too.

Mrs. Withersfield opened her eyes and smiled at us.

"Go ahead kids." She said.

"The last one who reaches will cook dinner for a week!!" Bryson said and was the first one to jump in.

"Hey wait up!" Alex said and stepped in too.

"Ready, Lori?" Drew asked taking her hand in his. She blushed deeply and nodded her head. They too jumped in and disappeared in the warp hole.

I was about to go too when Shawn held my wrist. I looked back at him but he just kept a blank face.

He began to drag me towards the hole. I felt a bit nervous. I mean, what if I ended up somewhere else and not on Funaria island?

Oh don't worry sweetie. You have Shawn with you.

I smiled at Mrs. Withersfield. She returned it.

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