Chapter 21: The End Day.

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Its been a week since we met Clara and the souls of the Great Six.

We were on our way to Mrs. Withersfield's office. We wanted to get more information about the beast.

While talking and walking suddenly we saw black smoke spreading everywhere. We heard some people scream in agony and the scream of people trying to run away. We hurried to the room from where we heard the scream.

I pushed open the door and there we saw someone covered in black smoke. The beast.

"Show yourself!" Bryson yelled.

We all took defensive stances. The guys in front of us.

"We meet again." The beast muttered.

"I said show yourself!" Bryson yelled once more. The smoke started to disperse and we saw a person covered in a black cloak, floating in air.

"Ahh. It feels good to wake up again. My body still aches after sleeping for so long." The beast said. He seemed to be a male.

He stretched his arms and legs a bit. He stopped when his eyes met mine. I frowned at him.

"Clara...?" He muttered. "No. Your scent is different from hers. And she's supposed to be dead already. Are...are you her reincarnation?" He asked flying over towards me.

Shawn quickly came and stood before me, guarding me.

I felt the beast glare at him a bit.

"Of course. You have to be the reincarnation of the stupid Jake." He muttered angrily.

Shawn glared back. "She's mine!! Back off!" He yelled.

"We'll see about that. Whoever wins gets her." The beast said.

"Deal." Shawn replied.

"Wait a second! I'm not an object that you'll can put a bet on me!" I yelled bringing their attention towards me. "And I can fight for myself." I turned to Shawn glaring at him.

He rolled his eyes in response.

"You're just like Clara. I want you even more now." The beast whispered. I shivered.

"Let's just get this over with." I muttered igniting my fists. Shawn too kept a few ice swords ready. I saw Drew's hands lighting up as well. Bryan held two metal swords in his hands. Lori let water float over her hands, ready to attack any time. Alex made two strong people out of mud.

The guys started attacking him with all their might while we girls stayed back in case something bad happens.

I saw a black hand kinda thing creep up behind Shawn. My eyes widened and I threw a ball of fire towards it.

"Shawn! Duck!" I yelled. He did as I said and the ball of fire passed by over him after burning the hand.

"Stay aware of your surroundings. This guy has many tricks up his sleeve." I told them. They nodded.

We continued to fight for about an hour or so. In the end we all were extremely exhausted. 

The beast too was breathing heavily. The others continued fighting against him while Shawn and I stood aside as we had used both our elements. 

Suddenly the middle part of his body became slightly transparent and I saw a kid breathing heavily inside him. He didn't seem to be more than 10 years old!

"Clara was right." I said.

"What?" Shawn asked standing beside me.

"See that kid inside the beast. Clara came in my dreams a few days back and told me about this. She said that darkness had enveloped this kid many years back maybe because of some trauma or something. She gave me a spell to eradicate this darkness and still save him." I told him remembering what Clara told me.

"But are you sure about this? Have you even used this spell before? And what if its just a trick of his?" Shawn asked.

"He's Clara's brother." I said finally.


"She showed me a picture of him. She also had a feeling that the beast is actually her younger brother. She asked me to save him from this darkness. I promised her and I plan to keep the promise." I said readying myself to use the spell.

"I'll back you up." He said.

"You aren't gonna stop me like Jake said?" I asked.

"You think I can break that stubbornness of yours?" Shawn asked sarcastically. I smiled at him.

"But...I can't guarantee that I'll come out alive if I use this spell." I said. His eyes widened. He opened his mouth to protest but then stopped himself.

"I know you can do this. I'll make sure you come out alive." He said. "Now let's go and save that brat."

"Can you buy me some time? I need a few minutes to use this spell." I said. He nodded before going off.

I closed my eyes, blocking out all the voices and concentrating all the energy between my hands which were in front of my chest.

"Dea ignis flammae ades curandum salva filium tenebrarum remedium ab omnibus cruciatibus prohibere tenebrae finem esse diuturna." I chanted the spell which Clara gave me.

I found myself floating in air and shining brightly.

"No!! Too bright!!" The beast cried out.

I opened my eyes slowly and threw the bright ball in my hands towards him. It hit him square in the heart and he continued to scream.

Soon the darkness started to disappear and all that was left of him was the 10 year old kid who seemed unconscious.

My eyes drooped and I felt gravity pull me down. I crashed against the floor and I blacked out.

I'm sorry Shawn, I don't think I can make it.

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