Chapter 12: Hii! I'm Rose!!

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"I finally found you, Melanie. I'm Garry. It's nice to meet you."

A dark red dragon said standing in front of me.

A dragon.

It speaks.

"GAAAHHH!!" I yelled, surprised and walked a few steps back only to find myself on my butt.

The hard sticks and stones pricked me a bit but I paid no heed to it.

What I did pay attention to was the small creature sitting in front of me.......smiling I guess.

"W - Wha-?? W - Who are you?!" I asked.

It huffed. "I just told you my name and you're asking me who I am? Wow. Are your ears fine?" It said sarcastically.

"Of course they are! And I heard what you said but I want to know how do you know my name?" I asked.

"I know your name because I know it! What else is there to it?" He said.

Okay. This is a bit annoying. But I'm not surprised or scared anymore.

My head snapped up when I heard some more rustling.

Who is it now?! Is it another weird creature like the one in front of me?

"I found her!!" I heard a loud squeaky voice which I'm sure belonged to a girl. But it didn't sound like Lori or
Alex and they're the only girls here on this island along with me. And there's no chance it could be any of the guys.

Could there be someone else?

After some more rustling a bluish white baby dragon who's body looked like crystal came out.

"Rose? Why are you here?" Garry asked.


"Hey Garry!! I was just helping my master to find her." 'Rose' said and pointed behind her. My eyes widened.

"So this is where you were?" Shawn asked brushing away the leaves stuck to his clothes.

"Shawn! So finally someone came to find me. I thought you'll forgot about me." I said getting up from the ground a bit embarrassed since my crush saw me laying flat on my butt on the ground.

Wait. Rewind that please. Did I just say crush?

Yes you did.

My conscience spoke up. I felt blood rush to my cheeks.

"I can't believe you got lost." He said teasingly. I puffed out my cheeks.

"I didn't get lost! I was...just...a..a bit confused! Yea that's it!" I said trying to defend myself. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, right. So I see you met Garry." He said looking at the red dragon beside me.

I completely forgot about it!

"You'll know each other?!" I asked.

"Ya." They both said.

"Are you Melanie Grace?" The bluish white dragon; Rose asked me. She flew in front of me looking at me with what seemed to be a smile.

I smiled back a bit nervously.

"Yea. That's me." I said.

"Hi Melanie!! I'm Rose an ice dragon and Shawn is my master! It's nice to meet you!!" She said cheerfully.

Shawn is her Master?

"It's nice to meet you too but did you just say that Shawn is your master?" I asked. She nodded.

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