Chapter 22: Epilogue

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I opened my eyes slowly and all I saw was white. White everywhere.

Is this heaven? Am I already dead?

I tried getting up but my body refused to listen. I groaned as my whole body started aching badly.

"Ugh..." I muttered in pain.

I closed my eyes for a bit and when I opened them again I saw Clara staring at me with a smile.

"Clara...?" I questioned.


"So I'm really dead huh?" I asked more like stated.

"No my dear. This is just a dream of yours." Clara said.

"A dream....Wait! What happened with the beast?! The kid?! Your brother! Is he alright?! What about the others?!" I asked frantically.

She chuckled. "Well, if you want to know then what are you still doing here? Wake up and meet the ones you dearly want to see. I'll keep meeting you in your dreams. See you later. And you better marry Shawn and give kids. Complete what I couldn't do with Jake. Bye bye!" She said and as soon as she was done the scene in front of me started to fade away and I found myself surrounded by darkness.

Where am I?

I closed my eyes for what seemed to be the third time and when I opened them I saw a white ceiling. I slowly turned my head towards the window from where I felt slight breeze. I saw trees and flowers in full bloom. I could hear peoples happy and elated voices.

I sighed. I then turned towards the other side. My breath got caught in my throat.

Shawn. He looks so handsome. But why does he look so different from when I last saw him? How long have I been sleeping for?

I trued sitting up a bit but my entire body was against it.

"Ugh." I groaned and Shawn stirred slightly in his sleep before opening those ice blue eyes which I have been dying to see.

His eyes widened when he saw me and rushed to me so quickly I couldn't even comprehend it.

"Melanie...." He whispered touching my cheek softly. I saw tears in his eyes.

" long was I out for?" I asked my throat hurting badly.

"4 years. And don't speak, you just got up." He said.

"Melanie!!" I felt I heard a voice similar to that of Lori's and turned to see a beautiful woman with dark blue hair along with light blue highlights and an equally beautiful woman with blonde hair and green highlights beside her.

Lori and Alex.

They pushed Shawn aside and hugged me tightly.

"You idiot! Why the hell did you take so much time to get up?!" Lori yelled. I just laughed with tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Sorry." I said. We stayed that way till a doctor came in and pushed all of them outside as he wanted to do some checkups on me.

"How are you feeling dear?" The doctor, Henry asked.

"I'm okay. My whole body feels like its burning when I try making any moment. And my throat hurts while speaking." I said massaging my throat a bit.

"Here, drink this. Your tests prove that you're all okay but I want you to be here for a few days before going back home, okay?" I nodded.

After he left, Shawn and the rest came in and we spoke a lot.

"We used to come and talk to you a lot while you were in a coma you know? Do you remember anything we said?" Alex asked me.

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