Caught My Eye - A Scorpius/Rose fanfic

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Rose Weasley breathed in the smoky scent of the train station as she stood with her family. Students buzzed around with trunks and owls, while parents spoke in loud nervous voices. So this is it, she thought. Off to Hogwarts after years of dreaming and stealing her cousin James' old textbooks. She already had ambitions of being top of the year and eventually becoming Head Girl. Her brother Hugo looked positively bored to death every time she brought up the subject. He hadn't caught the 'wizard fever' or 'magical yearning' yet. Herself, her father and her mother had had both of these feelings quite strongly from a young age. Then she spotted five heads bobbling above the crowd, and grinned as the potters came into view. James lead the procession, looking thrilled at something. This something soon became evident as his brother Albus came slinking behind him; James had been teasing him again. Then was Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny, all smiles and holding hands. Last came Lily sulking because she wasn't old enough to attend wizarding school. Ginny had probably threatened her with the prospect of going to Beaubatons if she wouldn't shut up: a regular occurrence. Lily was adamant she would be coming to school with her siblings, not off to a 'poofty French school'. However the party in general brightened considerably as they saw the Weasleys standing there. Mum and dad stopped fighting instantly, and there was a big reunion as was every time the two families met. In fact, Rose and her family had attended a dinner at the Potters only the other night. Even so they chatted as if they hadn't seen each other in ages. All of the other children seemed quite unapproachable at the present, so Rose attempted a conversation with James.

"Hi" she smiled half heartedly in his direction.

"Hiya Posie" he grinned, coming over and ruffling up her carefully styled straight hair which she had woven in a over the shoulder plait. "Looking forward to school then?"

"Yes actually" she said loftily, patting her hair back into place. "Are you trying to make my hair as messy as yours? Oh wait, that's impossible."

"Sharp as always I see" he winked, but still gave his hair a little self conscious ruffle. She had once walked in on him trying to flatten his hair with gel when she was seven. Even to this day she could use that scenario for bribery.

"Look here Rosie" her father's face had darkened slightly, and he placed one hand on her shoulder, using the other to indicate a small blonde family on the other side of the platform. There was a father with platinum blonde hair, grey eyes and a distasteful expression on his face, a very pretty mother with luscious black curls and warm brown eyes, and a boy of her age with sandy blonde hair and brown eyes like his mother. He was quite cute, and she blushed slightly as he caught her eye briefly.

"That's the Malfoys, and the boys called Scorpius. All you need to know is that you need to beat him in everything. I mean everything or I will disown you. No pressure kid - lucky you've got your mothers brains."

"Ronald!" Roses mother scolded disapprovingly, but Rose could tell she was secretly pleased. Meeting her dad's eyes with her hazel ones, Rose spoke solemnly.

"I will dad, just you wait."

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