Cloaked Figures

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It's action time! Finally there is some excitement going on. Also, some minor characters are going to get bigger parts which will be cool to watch.

Enjoy sunshines




He held Rose close in a crouch on the ground as glass rained and students ran everywhere. Teachers held their wands aloft, facing the threat entering through the large shattered windows. They entered the room by broomstick, covered in a deep bottle green from head to toe. He was frozen in fear at the masks on their faces, which were extremely similar to the Death Eater ones.


Curses shot out from the mysterious cloaked figures wands, striking students down. He stood up to fight, gripping Rose’s hand. Her face was frightened but determined.


He shot stunner after stunner, but the people kept coming. They had to be careful for the bodies lying on the ground. Were they dead or alive? He couldn’t be sure.


It seemed the figures were looking for something or someone.


Suddenly he saw a girl in an aqua dress getting pulled away by a cloaked figure onto a broomstick. He tried to lunge and grab Lily but not before she was flown off into the night.


Then he heard a scream behind him.



Whipping around, ice cold fear clutched his heart. He saw Rose being dragged off towards the Entrance Hall by a familiar old ‘friend’ of his Dad’s - Pansy Parkinson. Her mask had been ripped off and she gave him a nasty grin.


“Draco’s spawn? How this your girlfriend? What would happen if your daddy found out you were dating Weasley’s little girl. Oh how scandalous!” Her wand was at Rose’s throat. Rose mouthed at him to leave but he shook his head and held up his wand. It felt unusually heavy in his hand, and he almost dipped with the weight.


“Let her go” he said firmly, pointing his wand straight at her face. Could he hex her if need be? There had never really been a good opportunity to use his skills in real life, but this occasion was a good one.


“If you hurt me, you hurt her” Pansy dug her wand deeper into Rose’s neck, and she whimpered.


Slowly his wand arm went down, and he could only watch as the pair vanished out the Front Doors into the blackness of the night.


After that encounter he felt empty, and slowly meandered back into the Great Hall. The wounded were few, fortunately it looked like the cloaked figures had only stunned. One boy was pale and had big gashes all over his body. He was breathing heavily and losing a lot of blood. Madam Longbottom was bent over him with a scared look in her brown eyes. She patted a sobbing friend of the boy on the back.


Another girl had a wonky looking leg, but otherwise was sitting up and looking perky. She was chatting to a girl who held her hand tight, obvious love held in both their expressions.


He found a familiar looking green cloak on the ground, which looked like it had flown off in the haste of escaping. Picking it up, he made his way out to the window. There was no sign of any life out there.


He fingered the silky material, So these were the new Death Eaters his father had spoke of, he realised bitterly. Worry and anger overtook him as he remembered himself rendered helpless and Rose was taken away. He clenched the cloak tight, balled it up and threw it out the window.


“Don’t you think that was a bit melodramatic?” Mique leaned on the window beside him, white dress in tatters and blonde hair a mess. Her makeup, however, was still immaculate.


“Don’t you think you should change?” he indicated her messed up dress and she rolled her eyes.


“Whatever poncy. Let’s get back to the matter in hand - our friends are missing!”


“Wait I thought only Lily and Rose were gone?”


“Nope they took the whole clan - Albus and Hugo as well.”


“Do you think they are targeting the Golden Trio’s kids?”


“Good you’re catching up. The real question is what we’re going to do about it.”


He wracked his brains as they stood side by side, lost in thought. Feeling a hand lightly tap his shoulder, he turned to find a distressed brunette.


“Hi, I was just uh wondering if you’d seen Hugo? He left a-a while ago with n-no explanation.” She broke down into tears and Dominique cradled the girl.


“Shhh, Tiff it’s going to be ok. We’ll find him.”


“You’re going after them?” Tiffany asked, amazed.


“Hell yeah we are, right Scorp?”


“Yeah sure.”


“Oh” the girl composed herself, standing up straight and wiping her eyes. “Well then I’m coming.’


“You’re going after Lily and the others?” someone else joined the party - Lorcan Lysander. He looked tired and his light brown hair was ruffled. Scorpius had been surprised when he had turned up at the common room yesterday. He must really like Lily. “I’ll join.” He looked quite determined.


Catching Mique’s eyes, Scorpius shrugged. “Sure why not, four is better than two.”


“All right” Mique rubbed her hands together, drawing them close. “We have to make a plan...”


“I’m tired” Lorcan complained.

“We will make a plan in the morning.”

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