Leading the Pack

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I'm finally updating! It was due to two lovely comments I recieved that inspired me to keep up with this story. You guys are awesome.

Any feedback is appreciated. I'm going to try and update this story fortnightly, weekly if I can.

Love, Comment, Vote


Time skip: six years later....


"ALBUS!" Min hollered stomping up the corridor of the train after the laughing black haired boy. Smiling, Rose leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes.

Peace, at last, from two bickering Ravenclaws. Also her best friends.

It wouldn't last long, for she heard after only ten seconds the ominous sound of the compartment door sliding open.

"No, Albus, you can't hide from Dominique in here." When there was no reply she peeked one hazel eye open to give her friend a proper scolding. Instead there was a strawberry blonde haired boy in his place.

"Scorpius!" Rose exclaimed in delight, running into her other best friend's arms. She laughed as he spun her around.

"Well isn't this a jolly meeting" Scorpius chuckled placing her down gently. "Now would the Head Girl like to regain her cool composure and head down to the end of the train?"

"How did you know?" Rose's forehead creased. Her eyes flickered down to the shiny badge on his chest. "Oh Scorp!" She beamed, not unlike her mother. "You too?"

He nodded numbly, looking absolutely chuffed. "You should have seen the look on my parents faces! They couldn't believe it. It was like when they heard I got into Gryffindor." He grinned. However, Rose didn't look so pleased anymore. She sighed running a hand through her frizzy red hair.

"I wish you could just get along with your parents" Rose gave a melancholy sigh.

Scorpius scowled. "We've had this argument too many times Rose - not gonna happen." Then his face brightened as he tugged her arm. "Come on, we have a meeting to get to."

She followed, and the pair raced down the corridor, not caring if anyone saw. A couple of Slytherins made some snide comments, but they were lost in the wake of the two laughing friends.

They slid to a stop at the end. Rose regained her composure, and opened the door to the compartment.

"Hello" she smiled graciously, as if she were a queen addressing her court. "Thank you all for coming" she added, after having counted the people in her head. There were twenty two currently seated in the magically expanded compartment. Then the pair entered the room, took their seats, and made ittwenty Douro .

"So thank you all for coming" Rose started, but then she saw Scorpius wasn't listening, and was flirting with a black haired Slytherin girl instead. She slapped his arm, and he gave her a cheeky smirk.

"Jealous Rosie?" Everyone broke into giggles, apart from Rose who rolled her eyes and Albus who glared.

"Not a chance Malfoy" she emphasised the last word causing him to narrow his eyes. He leaned back in his seat and gave a lazy flick of the hand like, go on.

"Anyway I thought we could start off by introducing ourselves. So Rose Weasley, Head Girl, Gryffindor House." She nodded for Scorpius to continue.

"Scorpius Malfoy" he raised an eyebrow and then continued. "Head Boy, Gryffindor House."

Next was the black haired gurl. "Cindy Warbeck, Seventh Year Prefect, Slytherin House." She gave Scorpius a sly grin.

They continued around the circle. After that they chatted for a while: it started as a serious school discussion then ended as a big gossip session. Rose had a feeling she was going to like this group.

At the end Rose and Scorpius waited for everyone to filter out. The only trouble they had with this was when Cindy refused to leave Scorpius' side and ended up having a full scale glare on with Rose. The red head won by a land slide and Cindy huffed out, promising she would wait for 'Scorp' outside.

"Looks like you have another admirer" Rose noted teasingly.

"God help me. I thought she'd be a lot less clingy."

"Like all the other girls? I don't believe you've actually had a proper girlfriend since your hormones hit."

"It's so hard being me" Scorpius sighed dramatically, lying back and swishing his hair.

"Yeah yeah" Rose patted his knee. "Poor baby."

"Though you can't talk - remember that fight in fifth year?" Scorpius' brown eyes twinkled mischievously.

"Oh." Roses memory brought her back to when three boys had held a full on deul in the Great Hall at breakfast over who would be her Valentines date.

"See you are some hot stuff Rosaline" Scorpius drawled.

"Shut up!" She laughed.

They spent the rest of the train ride hiding away from Cindy and having a good laugh in that same compartment. The pair shared a carriage up to the castle with a president Cindy, Dominique and Albus. Finally they arrived at the castle gates, tired and with hungry stomachs.

At their arrival a small figure rushed to meet Rose and Scorpius from the Front Doors.

"Welcome!" Filius Flitwick beamed. "Head Boy and Head Girl of 2023! Follow me, you won't be eating with the rest."

The two shared a curious but nervous look and followed the headmaster up into the castle and to his office.

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