First Encounter

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This is for my only fan woo!

I know Albus sounds mean in this chapter, but he's just protective and wary.



The train whistle blew, and Scorpius' gaze was directed from the pretty red haired girl to his parents. His mother's eyes grew misty.

"Oh my boy! Off for his first year away from home! I will miss you darling!" She drew her son in close and pressed him tight to her breast. He choked on the overpowering scent of roses and lavender. She kissed him on the cheek twice.

"Come on Astoria" his father grumbled. "The boy has to get onto the train."

"Oh yes" his mother wiped tears from the corners of her eyes, making sure not to smudge her immaculate complexion. She turned away as if it was all too much for her.

That was when his father bent down and whispered two clear words into his son's ear.

"Beat her."

Scorpius had only just got to the train in time, and now was stuck trying to find an empty compartment. Oh sure, there were compartments with room but everything was too much for him. He needed space to think.

About halfway down the carriage something made him stop in his tracks. It was the red headed girl from the platform earlier. She intrigued him somehow, so he poked his head into her compartment. There was another boy with her, a thin handsome boy with bright green eyes and floppy black hair. He reminded Scorpius of someone, but he couldn't quite remember at that moment.

"Can I sit here?" Scorpius asked the inevitable question. Both looked up. The girl smiled a little, but the boy looked wary.

"As long as you don't smell, sure" the girl quipped. There was an interested look in her hazel eyes, one that Scorpius had often seen in his own.

"I wouldn't admit it if I did" he grinned, sliding into the seat across from them both.

The boy stared him down with piercing green eyes. Scorpius tried to relax but it wasn't working. Finally the girl broke the silence.

"I'm Rose and this is my cousin Albus" she held out a hand and he took it.

"I'm Scorpius it's nice to meet you." Albus didn't look as wary anymore, but he still kept his mouth firmly closed. Scorpius knew it was a long train journey to Hogwarts, and didn't want to be on bad terms the whole time. Then he realised who the boy was.

"You're a Potter aren't you?" Scorpius asked Albus. The boy nodded.

"Yeah. Are you a Malfoy?"

He heard Rose draw in her breath sharply at this remark. It was rather blunt, thought Scorpius, but he was glad the topic had come up early. At least he could leave if it became too awkward.

"Yes" Scorpius replied evenly. "But I would rather not follow in my fathers footsteps." Albus was still acting stiff. By now it was starting to really irritate him, so he turned to Rose.

"What house do you want to be in?" He asked.

From then on the conversation blossomed, and Scorpius and Rose were soon getting on fine. However, that didn't stop them shooting sharp remarks at each other. Scorpius enjoyed the banter. Time flew fast and in no time the sun was sinking.

"Better get changed" it was the first time Albus had spoke up in hours. Rose nodded in agreement. She got up to leave, but not before Scorpius got in a remark.

"Quick to it, tomato hair, we'll be arriving soon."

As soon as she had left the room, Albus spun on him.

"Don't be so rude to my cousin" he hissed.

"I was joking" Scorpius rolled his brown eyes.

"Watch your tongue Malfoy. I've heard the stories of your father. I know what you're capable of."

He went red in the face. "I'm not my father!"

"Prove it. One wrong move and that's it." Albus frowned and left.

Scorpius sunk into the seat, head in his hands. Would he always be judged for something he couldn't control?

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