Unexpected Betrayal

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So I'm officially on holiday which means more food and more updates...so good for everyone!

Due to the implied torture and coarse language I'm going to change the rating on this story. And hope you like the revaluation in this chapter! Should be interesting.

Love you all



"Checkmate!" She called out gleefully, putting her piece into position and finalising her plan.

"Oh man" Albus groaned. He placed his head in his hands.

"I have bet the unbeatable Albus Potter!" The redhead cheered. She got up and did a little dance, before wincing and sitting back down. Three pairs of eyes shot to her.

"Rest!" Her auburn haired cousin bustled over. She gently unzipped the track suit and prodded at the wounds with light fingers. "Rose I told you not to over exert yourself" she scolded. "At this case we might run out of bandages."

Grudgingly, Rose made her way over to her allocated cot to rest. After the initial torture upon arrival, Pansy and co had soon realised that when bored and injured the Golden Trio kids were extremely annoying. So they had been supplied with beds, a first aid kit and board games to relieve these issues.

Of course the supplies were the bare minimum - two cots, a small kit, cards and chess. However it was enough to survive, and for that Rose was grateful. She needed to stay alive for her family, friends and Scorpius.

That boy invaded her dreams more than once a night. She still remembered the taste of his lips and his sexy scent. Sexy?! Ugh she was going insane with captivity.

She thought of him often when awake too. The normal routine wasn't enough to keep her growing mind busy. Upon waking they were given food to ration for the day. Then herself and Hugo usually did some sort of workout while Lily and Albus slept some longer or attempted to join in. After that they sat around and are and just talked about anything and everything. Then they played board games up until more food arrived. Torture and questioning followed food, and was then proceeded by bed.

They had been going on like this for eight days. Al was keeping count on the underside of the cot he shared with Hugo. After a meticulous inspection on the second day Rose and Lily had decided they had no hope of escape without seriously harming their captors. Frankly, they were all too poor spell casters to attempt that.

It was dinner time. The door slid open before the cloaked figure walked in, depositing a covered plate with good for all of them. Before she could leave Hugo lunged and blocked her exit.

"Not so fast" his voice was low and deadly. "Tell us what the hell is going on."

The cloaked figure shook it's head and tried to get past. Hugo pushed them back and they stumbled and fell to the ground. The good fell back to reveal a pale heart shaped face with golden curls framing it.

"Aria?!" Rose cried in disbelief. Her fellow Gryffindor glared up at them. Hugo looked murderous, Lily looked on the verge of tears and Albus was troubled.

"What are you doing here?" Lily knelt before her friend. "Are you ok?"

"What do you think Lily?! She's working for them! Traitor!" Hugo towered over the short girl.

Aria sneered up at him. "Get over yourself Hugo. I'm not the one dating a freak!" Hugo glowered at the mention of his Jewish girlfriend but ceased talking. Rose had no clue what Aria was on about.

A tear slid down Lily's cheek. "Why are you helping them?"

"None of your business princess. I was only friends with you to help my aunty and get closer to Scorpius. Same reason I joined the Quidditch team." Lily looked fit to burst but she stood up and held her ground.

"Now listen here bitch." Rose stormed over and stuck her face in Arias. "Firstly, No one talks to my family like that. Secondly, Scorpius was never interested in you in the first place. So why don't you get a life?!"

Aria smirked. "That's no way to talk to your informer. But I probably wouldn't tell you anyway ginger. You're not worth my time."

Then the most surprising thing happened. Quiet, clever, charming Albus came up and punched her in the face. The blow was a fierce hit and knocked her straight out.

The next minute clocked people entered. They restrained the four and chained them to the wall, before removing an unconscious Aria.

Then they tortured them. Time and time again Rose resisted the cruciatus curse, but she could stop the flow of scream coming from her mouth. Finally, late at night, they let them be.

Pain throbbing through her body, Rose mournfully watched as the food was taken away and resigned herself to a sleepless night hanging from the cell wall.

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