Chapter 7

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Anirudh's POV

Getting back home safely, with some mandatory things bag in my hand for vaishu's new born baby. Well, I felt like I should get something for my little nephew as he brightened up my day stunning.

It's the second time I'm purchasing nursery products for babies! Glad that I'm conscious about the needful things for a child. Keeping the shopping bags on my bed, I turned and took a step forward towards my wardrobe to get my clothes and have some cold shower!

Fiddling my hands around the hanged clothes inside my wardrobe, I was pretty confused to choose an outfit. Just grabbing some random shorts & t-shirt I pushed myself to the bathroom.

Within a slight movement, a loud crack sound appeared right down on the floor. I twitched uncertainty about the noise that was made. Turning around and there in a quick motion my eyes glanced at the broken photo frame.

A picture of my life!

I moved closer kneeling down to pick up the broken photo framed picture of anika. My heart sank down the moment I saw the glass smashed down into small pieces and the bordered edges are cracked. I just couldn't take this in. How did this fall when it's kept in the right place?

( i.e listen to the bgm A broken heart that's there on the media box to get the feel )

But the smile of her was still shining in the picture. Atleast that made my heart comfort a little. From the day she left, this is the only pic i have with me as a remembrance, hiding it away from my closed relations knowledge!

Totally, I feel so odd now ! While I took my clothes the photo frame was all perfect in its but now how did it fell? That's what my question is ? Okay not thinking so deep into this, I kept her framed pictured inside the drawer and started to clean the glass pieces before someone comes inside my room.

Few moments later, shutting the shower down the freshness in my body, elated me. But my heart was ruptured with so much of thoughts about her. Wondering if she's not well or something wrong might have happened to her.

Because there's this myth said by elderly people that if an object that's related to your close ones break or when a cat crosses your path, then the time is not right and something wrong is going to happen!

Either I believe in rumour or not but I believe in superstitious beliefs a lot, like an old generated man ! I murmured. Wearing my shirt and shorts, drying my hair using my one hand with towel I opened the bathroom door casually and there BOOOMM !!

' Heeheeeee ' Iyappan stood right infront of the bathroom door silently, grinning widely showing off his teeth.

' What the fudge man! ' I blurted in an utter shock.

I was freezed until I couldn't get words to speak more!

' How was my entry? Got scared ahaan? ' Iyappan asked, coolly and smirked.

' Not nice! ' I replied, with a stern look and moved to put my towel for dry. 'But what are you doing here ? '

' I came to drop lakshmi aunty and heard that you're here so thought of putting a terrific attendance at your room. ' He said, grinning widely.

' Who's staying in hospital then ? ' I asked.

' Abhinav and sreyas are with vaishu.' He said, in a simple tone. ' Amaa un bed la enna orey kutti baby things ah iruku yaaruku da idhalam ? ' He asked, taking a seat on the bed.

' Oh, that's all for vaishu's baby. I don't know if she has got nursery things for the baby but I felt of giving her something so I went and brought all these for her baby. ' I said, packing up my gadgets and wires.

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