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Taehyung POV

Personally, I was pretty pissed of right now. It had been raining all day and then my boss decided to keep me back late. The rain was really coming down by the time my shift had ended, I had missed my bus and it was dark. "Okay Taehyung, I'm sorry for keeping you late," my boss says, he had seen me just staring out the window into the plummeting rain. "It's fine, nothing I can do now," I sigh. I step out of the small shop, "I'll see you on Friday," I wave to my boss. I only worked on Mondays Tuesdays and Fridays, since I was a really good worker my boss said I could have Wednesdays. I walked down to the bus and checked the times, I was going to need to find a later bus if my boss was going to be keeping me back more regularly.

For now all I could do was walk home, I look around, planning on what path I should take. I take a look at the time, it was already 7:00. I sighed, there was no way I'd usually take the back ally to get to my house, but that was a short cut and I wasn't planning on walking home through the rain the long way. I just started walking toward my house. 

I get to the ally way and start walking down the dark path. I got pretty far walking when I thought I heard someone behind me, I turn quickly, scratching my arm against a rusty piece of metal. "Fuck," I whisper, blood started to show itself. I just turn around and walk faster. God knows what was on the piece of metal, I would probably have to disinfect it when I got home. I was getting lost in my thoughts when I heard the sound of foot steps behind me again. I turn around, I was sure of it this time. 

"Hello?" I call out, there was no reply. I felt like an idiot, "like the killer is just going to be like, yeah I'm right here, sharpening my knifes," I mock myself. I turn around, walking faster again, I hear the foot steps again, this time I was sure that someone was following me. The hairs on the back of my neck prick. I just quicken my pace. I listen to the foot steps, their pace quickens as well.

I didn't usually believe in all that supernatural shit, but I had seen some vampire sightings lately, and even though I was ninety-ninety percent sure that they didn't exist, I wasn't taking any chances. I start running when I hear the foot steps quicken, the foot steps behind me start sprinting, and just for my luck I trip. I try to get up but I had hurt my foot, it was throbbing in pain, I hadn't even realised that my elbow was bleeding.

I look up, there is a figure standing in front of me, the figure bends down, revealing his face, and he was really good looking, I had to admit. He smiles, "long way from home?" he asks, he grabs my arm and starts to smell the blood. "Uhh, I don't know you," I try to pull away but his grip only gets tighter. He strange man licks the blood from my arm, he slowly starts to move up to my ear. "Your a cutie," he whispered in my ear. This made every single one of my hairs stand on edge. 

This man keeps smelling my neck until I feel two teeth sink into my soft skin. I scream, feeling my blood drain slowly. I pass out.

Vampire // k.t.h + j.j.kWhere stories live. Discover now