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Sam walked through the crowded streets trying to find the nearest bar. Hoping that informing the bartender that his parents where dead would get him a drink. His eyes flickered around trying to find somewhere. No. Anywhere. Where he could consume alcohol. He was so caught up in his head that he didn't notice the man he was about to collide with.
"Watch where your going darling." The man in the suit smirked down at him.
"Sorry, I was just looking for the nearest bar." Sam said tiredly.
"There's one two blocks east." The man in the suit smiled.
"You're new here aren't you?" He asked Sam.
"That I am..." Sam trailed off wanting to know the strangers name.
"Elijah. And you are?"
"I'm Samuel, but you can call me Sam."

Turns out the bar Elijah sent Sam to was the bar he had just left. And just so happens Sam sat down right next to Klaus.
"Day drinking is for everyone I see." Klaus smirked at Sam.
"5 o clock somewhere sweetheart." Sam smirked. It soon turned into a frown however.
"I just remembered no one will sell me a drink." Sam chuckled.
"Don't be ridiculous. Get the man a drink." Klaus compelled the bartender who sat a bottle of whiskey in front of the boy.
"Thank you. I'm Sam."

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