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After meeting their new children, the pairs took them to the living room. It was funny how they all came out at the same time, as if on cue. And since the pairs left the Great Hall after getting their envelopes, they didn't know who got paired with whom. Naturally, some of the combinations were surprising and Ron Weasley being Ron Weasley said the first thing that popped in to his mind, not worrying about tact or lack thereof, nor the effect the volume of his voice might have on the sleeping children. "What?! Hermione and the flying ferret?! I mean, seriously, that just sounds like a children's book. Wait! Oh my God, and Luna got Nott? What was McGonagall thinking?"

"Don't yell, Ronald. You'll wake Alex up." As much as she might have agreed with Ron on some parts, her motherly instinct kicked in, and she was damn well annoyed when he disturbed her beautiful baby's sleep. "Hermione, they are Deatheaters, and they can't be trusted. I don't like you shacking up with him or Luna with Nott, for that matter.." This time, Ron whisper yelled. "Ron, I think that people are capable of change. And for your information, Theodore was never a Deatheater," Luna countered in her dreamy voice. She understood how horrible it was to be judged by others, and for some reason, she really didn't want Theo to be the victim of such verbal cruelty. Theo, on the other hand, was surprised when she jumped in his defense because he didn't feel like he deserved it. "Weasel, Lovegood is completely capable of defending herself."
"Ron, as much as I don't like it, McGonagall knows what she is doing. And I would bet my invisibility cloak that Hermione would blow off Malfoy's head if he tried anything with her. So calm down," Harry had an admirable talent for being the voice of reason when it came to his best friend. The rest were silent. It was very surprising in Draco's case because he always had an insult up his sleeve. He also never felt like sparing it when it came to the Weasel, but somehow, he couldn't do it this time.
Ron's pouting went unnoticed as everybody else awwed over each other's babies.
Then Hermione transfigured the living room to a baby proof paradise. She conjured up different baby holders, toys, and everything a parent would need for his or her baby.
The babies were put to bed, and the pairs followed soon after that.
"We should transfigure this into two beds," Draco suggested.

"Because you don't want to share a bed with a filthy mudblood, Malfoy? Don't worry, I'll take care of it." He wanted to say no and tell her that he was sorry for all the bad things he had done to her, but decided to stay quiet in the end. They didn't speak to each other after that and went to their separate beds.
Esther took her time to fall asleep. Theo tried holding her, rocking her and even bribing her, but to no avail. She just kept crying and crying. Then Luna came to the rescue. She picked her up and rocked her in her embrace while singing a song. It was a ballad about Thestrals, but it was beautiful. In the end, Esther finally fell asleep. But it is important to note that she stopped crying the second she was in her "mum's" embrace. Luna gently put her down and just kept staring at her. Her beautiful baby Esther.

Many don't know that Luna is broken. She doesn't show it; she never has. You see, she is very aware of the world around her. She knows exactly how she is perceived; how she is unwanted. Still, she feels it is her duty to make others feel happiness and joy, so she tries her best to project positive energy when she is surrounded by negativity. Like Harry Potter's mother, she too believes that love is the strongest kind of magic. And so she tries her best to do it. To love. But she of all people knows best how love and positivity can drain a person. She gives away all of her love until there is none left for her. But somehow, this small person that isn't even real and that she has known for only a few hours has filled her with more love than she has ever felt before. And this was bad. In a few months, it would stop existing, and she would be empty once more.

Theodore Nott stared at Luna Lovegood, trying to read her. Trying to understand her. The more he stared, the bigger love he felt himself. And he knew it was wrong, but he couldn't stop himself. He would never admit it to her, but she really did save him from himself.
Two broken pieces who fit together perfectly to create a restored particle once more.
He couldn't handle it any longer, and he left the room, silently heading up to the astronomy tower where he had always found a comforting solitude.
Luna noticed she was alone. She transfigured the bed into two smaller ones. She washed herself and changed into her pajamas. As she slowly started drifting off into slumber, a tear dropped on her pillow.
When Theo returned, she was already asleep. "Thank you..." he whispered and went to bed himself.
The next morning, everybody took their children to the Great Hall. Other students were surprised about it, and they quietly gossiped away.
"So this definitely isn't like the real thing because babies usually don't sleep through the night," Ron said with his mouth full. It was amazing how good he was at multitasking when it came to food. He was able to feed himself and his son at the same time. You could say Cho was both disgusted and impressed as she looked over her shoulder at her partner and their baby. "Well, of course they would let us sleep Ronald, they can't deprive us of energy when this is the most important year in our education. We have to be able to study for the NEWTS now, don't we, Alex? Yes, yes, we do!" She made funny faces at him, making him giggle, and everybody else stared in shock at her unserious manner. This was the first time they had seen Hermione Granger do something silly in their entire lives. Luna was sitting with the Gryffindors as usual. Theo had their baby at the Slytherin table.
"Is it horrible being with a Slytherin?" Ron asked, still not dropping the subject. "Ron, I think it really depends on the person. I once had a very pleasant conversation with their ghost. The Bloody Baron knows where to find blastended skrewts. And I gave him some helpful advice on Nargle maintenance."

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