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»Really? You love me? Are you sure? Because you say this now, but how do I know you won't leave after another freakout again? How do I know you won't hurt me again, huh? Look, I do not blame you for your aunt's actions, it wasn't your fault. I have gotten over your constant teasing and insults, especially you calling me a mudblood every chance you got. Yes, it hurt, it was disgustingly rude, but it made me stronger. But, and it's a big but, I will not be able to survive, to get over it, if you leave me now, when I need you. You see, I'm not alright. I am in desperate need of support. So, if you think, that when it comes to another one of your freakouts, you'll run away again and close yourself off from me, then just please stop right there and go. Go away right now, leave me alone. Turn around and walk away. Leave now, before I start depending on you, before you're my reason to breathe. Stop now, before you get my hopes up.« She was shaking, because it was cold, because she just spilled out her guts to her former enemy, because she didn't know what to expect from him in return. She was clutching onto their son dearly. She was holding him tightly against her chest, looking at Draco's pale expression and trying to read it. »You don't understand, Hermione. You don't understand how much I need you. You are my salvation. But I don't deserve to be saved, you see, not after all the horrible shit I've done in the past, especially to you. That's why I ran away, because you deserve better.« » I believe everyone deserves a second chance. Well okay, maybe not people like Lord Voldemort, but anyway you do. But, I cannot give it to you Draco, if you are going to throw it away by giving up again and leaving me. I am a grown woman and you cannot decide on my part who I deserve and who I don't. I don't want get hurt again because of your inferiority complex. Hahaha I never thought I'd see Draco Lucius Malfoy feel inferior to anyone, ever! Who are you?« »I don't know.« He oozed sadness, a kind she knew all too well. So she decided on something that would influence the rest of her life. »Okay. We can start rebuilding this trust between us. But we shall start as just friends. Okay?« »Thank you.«






Hermione came to their room, to leave her school things on her desk, before going to lunch. On her way out she bumped into a tall figure. When she looked up, she saw it was Draco. »Watch where you're going short stuff. Next time you might not be so lucky and bump into a wall instead of this beautiful hardmuscled torso.« He winked and in return received a slap on the shoulder. »For you information I've already bumped into a few walls, so who's the fool now?« »Uhm, that would still be you, love.« Which caused him another shoulder slap. He laughed and said: »So Granger...« »Yes 'Malfoy'?« »Would you like to join me for lunch? And then later we could study together?« She wasn't sure, but she thought she'd seen him blush a little. »Ofcourse, but let's get Alex first, yeah?« »Yeah, the kid has to eat...« »Oh I was thinking... and don't get me wrong I really love him so much, but... But I think it would be best if we told McGonagall we wanted to end our partake in the baby project. The NEWTS are in four months and I desperately need to start studying. I feel so selfish in asking this, but I just can't do this anymore you know?« This really surprised Draco. He was sad to have to give up his child, and he really liked their living arrangement. It really became a place of happiness since their newly found friendship. He would have to give them both up. Plus he really loved Alexei, but on the other hand, he too had to start studying and revising, because he needed those O's to get into the healer program. »Fine. But first let's go to lunch okay? I want to spend a few last minutes with him, yeah?« She nodded in agreement.






»I understand. Give the infant to me please and I'll take care of it.« »Wait no! I mean, uh, please headmistress, can we say our goodbyes? We would just need a few minutes alone with him...« »Yes ofcourse you can Malfoy. But keep in mind that I have some obligations I have to tend to in half an hour, be done by then.« »Yes headmistress, ofcourse.« They said simultaneously.

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