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Ronald Weasley had fancied Hermione Granger since he was 11. During the war they had finally kissed. After the war they had realized that they were too close. Too close to keep kissing. They had a sort of a sibling bond that shouldn't be broken by a relationship. So when McGonagall paired them with different people they didn't mind. They didn't mind they weren't together, and Ron didn't mind he was paired with Cho Chang. She was beautiful and smart after all.
Cho Chang had had a rough few years. The love of her life was killed four years ago. She thought she'd liked Harry Potter but it was too soon. And now she was paired with Ron. At first she had some inhibitions about it. But not for long. She had come to realize that Ron Weasley was good, kind, and even sort of handsome.
Two months had passed and they quite liked the time spent together.
"Ron! Michael sat up! Oh my god!" It was true. The babies were about six months old now, and theirs sat up for the first time. "Oh wow! WOW!!" Ron was so ecstatic that he lifted Cho up and spun her around. When he put her down they were still holding eachother. Cho looked up into his eyes and blushed. Ron couldn't help himself, he kissed her. Just a small peck on her lips. Now he was blushing. They kept standing in the same position trying to read eachother's expressions. They both felt a wave of strong emotions. Joy, love, also fear. They were afraid of where it would take them.
Luckily the baby started crying. "I think he needs his diaper changed. I'll do it." Ron broke the embrace and took his son to the changing table. Cho watched him, impressed by his good parental skills. She started to wonder what it would be like to take chance with Ron Weasley.
In their common room they were discussing the issue of Christmas that was fast approaching. "I'll definitely be staying here, my parents are somewhere in Australia and I don't want to go back home." Hermione quietly told Ginny. "You can come to the Burrow with us if you want. Every body loves you... The more the merrier is what mum says. And you know... It's- It's going to be weird not having Fred around." Ginny's face suddenly became filled with sorrow. "It's okay Gin. I bet he's happy where he is. And he'll always watch over us. He probably started a joke shop for spirits. They have to have some fun in the after life after all and Fred is just the guy to bring fun to wherever he is!" Harry's attempt at making her smile worked. "Thank you for the offer, but I'll be fine here. Besides I have to get some school work done and this is a perfect opportunity."
Cho and Ron were sort of stuck in their own world. They sat on a mat, Michael in Ron's lap. "Christmas is in two months! It's scary how fast time flies isn't it? I've just gotten used to the way things are now... I guess I'm trying to say it's going to be very odd not seeing you for a few weeks Ron. And will you be taking Mikey with you?" She smiled at him, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Well, uhm, would you maybe want to come with me? To the Burrow I mean. You don't have to if you don't feel like it. I mean... Uhm, nevermind... Just uhm... forget I said anything." His ears were pretty red by the end of his ramble. Cho took his hand in hers and said: "I would very much love to come with you. Do you think it will be okay with your family though?" Ron nodded happily, and turned an even brighter shade of red.
"Mike my boy, I bet mum is going to go crazy over you." And you too Cho, he thought to himself. He looked up at her and saw she was smiling lovingly at their son.
After dropping Michael off at day care on Monday Ron walked Cho to her Divination class. He had been doing this for two months, ever since their first day as partners. "See you in DADA! Have fun!" He lingered for just a moment longer after she had disappeared through the door, and if he hadn't he might have missed her coming back to kiss his cheek in farewell.
Defense Against the Dark Arts class came third period. Ron would have probably exploded if he had to wait any longer. He couldn't wait to see Cho again. He wanted to talk to her desperately. It didn't matter what about. It was just a need to hear her voice and see her face. We all know the feeling.
To Ron's surprise Cho sat next to him this time. "Where's your partner?" "I could ask the same Ron." She smiled. Ron looked behind him and saw that Ginny and Harry were sitting together. "I guess they just wanted some alone time huh? How was Transfiguration?" "It was pretty okay. I'm partnered with Nott this month. He isn't that bad actually. Neither are Blaise or Pansy really. It's just the ferret boy that bothers me." "Well the rest of them are trying to be nice. And Malfoy isn't. Poor Hermione..." Their conversation was ended with that as the professor came and started his lesson. Ron walked Cho to her fifth period class again. And again she kissed him goodbye. This time he also got a hug. And he smiled.
And smiled.
And smiled.
"Woah Ron, you haven't smiled this much since you ate Romilda Vane's love potion infused chocolate back in sixth year. Are you feeling alright?" "I feel amazing Harry. And yourself?" "I'm alright. But I've been thinking... We haven't really hung out much just the three of us lately, huh?" Ron and Hermione thought about it and nodded. "Well I can ask Luna if she could watch Alex tonight and Cho and Ginny could watch your babies and then we can hang." Hermione suggested.
"Why Luna? What about Mal- OUCH WOMAN!" "Do not mention him. I completely trust Luna and I doubt she'd mind. Would you Luna?" "I wouldn't. I think you should work out your issues with Draco, though. Or get a new partner." "We've been through this Luna. I don't want to talk to him or about it." Luna sighed and went back to humming a tune to Esther.
After lunch the Golden Trio made their arrangements and together they walked to a clearing near the Black Lake. "This place brings me such nostalgia. It's weird how things have changed. Nothing is the same nor will it ever be." "That was pretty deep Harry." They all chuckled together. "So Ron how are things with Cho?" "So Hermione how are things with ferret?" "Funny mate, but I wouldn't tease her about this if I were you. Unless of course you don't put much value on your life and health. And I want to know how you and Cho are too." Hermione grinned victoriously and high fived her best friend.
"Agh I hate it when you two gang up against me. Cho is great, she's perfect. She's alone in this world you know and I don't want her to be. I invited her over for Christmas at the Burrow. By the way are you two coming as well?" "Ofcourse, you guys are my family and it wouldn't be fair if only I or only Ginny had to take care of Lily during the holidays." Ron smiled and then looked at his other friend expectantly. "No, sorry I'll be here with Alex and my homework. It's a good chance for me to get my work done without bickering with Malfoy over trivial nonsense. I think the daycare will also still be opened during the holidays so I will get some real alone time with the books." "It is safe to say that you are still our old Hermione." "Based on our meals together it is safe to say that you Ronald have also not changed that much."
They laughed again and again and again. For a moment they had forgotten about the past. It was just the three of them again.
"Lovegood, did we have another baby without me knowing it? I must really be good then huh?" Theo laughed at his own bad joke. "Hello Theodore. I do not yet know how good you are, but this is Hermione's son." "Why do you have him?" "Well she wanted some alone time with Ron and Harry, so she asked me to watch him for her." "What about Draco?" "What about him?" "Well I mean shouldn't he be the one doing this work and not you? I don't think it's fair that you have to care for two babies by yourself..." "Oh it really doesn't matter. I like doing it." "Come on I'll help. Have you bathed them yet?" "No, not yet. Aquamenti!" She filled a small bathtub with water and heated it to just the right temperature. Then they bathed them together.
"GRANGER!" Draco came running toward the trio. "Where is my son?!" He was panting. "Luna has him, now please leave."
He turned around and started walking away. "Why would she give him to Lovegood? I mean I'm his dad. This is so frustrating, I hate her! No. You don't. You fancy her. No way. Yes way you idiot. Argh what is happening to me?" These conversations with himself had become a common thing for Draco. They drove eachother crazy.
"How was it Ron? Did you have fun?" Cho asked him when he returned. "It was great! I missed them. How was your day?" "Good. Michael was very good and fell asleep right away." "If he snored I'd say that's my boy!" Cho giggled at his joke. "You're a funny one Ron." He blushed like crazy. "You're not so bad yourself Cho!" He turned around and headed for his bed, mentally slapping himself for the last reply. He found it stupid and unnecessary. Cho asked if she can turn off the lights and then they said goodnight and went to bed.

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