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Hermione gasped upon reading the letter. She was afraid to look at Draco, still sitting by the fireplace. She slowly glanced his way, he was staring at her. She looked at him more firmly this time and saw hurt and betrayal in his eyes. Something cracked inside her. Tears started dripping down from her face. »Draco...« She whimpered and took a step closer to him. »Granger don't.« He said, his voice void of any emotions. »I'm so sorry.« Another step closer. »I said don't.« »I didn't know how to-« »HERMIONE I said don't. Just leave me alone right now.« She was glued to her spot, not able to move. She shook when he raised his voice. But she knew he had a right to be furious with her. She had just ruined his life, with the two people she was carrying inside her belly. Draco would now not be able to live his life as he had wished. He saw she wouldn't budge. But upon seeing her broken, sad face full of fear and remorse he slightly cooled down. He stood up and took a step closer to her, closing off the distance between them. He gently grabbed her shoulders and said: »Why didn't you tell me?« He wiped her tears with his thumb, letting it linger on her lips. »I- I was afraid of how you would react... It's just that now you'll be stuck with me, with us for the rest of your life, unable to do what you want... I didn't want this to happen, I'm so so sorry.« She searched his eyes for a reaction. »Granger, come on you know we're stuck together either way, with this law and all. But truth be told, I really don't mind. I always wanted kids you know. I'm sorry if I ever gave you a reason not to trust me. This whole having friends and people that I love around me is completely new to me. You carrying our children just makes me love you more. But I was hurt when I found out about it in a letter from my mother.« »Again, I'm really sorry. I was going to tell you soon, now that I've seen this side of you, on which I can rely. I love you too, and I love our children. I can't wait to start our lives together.« They kissed and hand in hand went down to the Great Hall to get something to eat.






»I see you've found eachother. Where have you been all day Malfoy?« When Pansy asked this Draco looked at Hermione as if to ask if he can share their news with their friends. She smiled at him and he took it as a yes. »Well, this morning I found out that we're going to be parents!« »Oh not you too 'Mione!« Ron exclaimed, devastated that everything was changing and that both his closest females were getting down and dirty in the sheets. »Congratulations you two!« »Yeah, good job Drake, getting her pregnant so she won't be able to escape!« Blaise was smacked over the head for that one and later he admitted that it might have been a wrong thing to say. »That's wonderful Hermione! I knew you've been glowing for a while now, just couldn't quite put my finger on it!« »Well unlike Luna I didn't notice your glow before, but now I do too! Hear that Esther you're going to be a big cousin!« »Do you know if it's a girl or a boy?« Cho asked. »Actually, they're twins, but we don't know their sex yet. I have an appointment in two weeks, and I think Madame Pomfrey will be able to tell me what they are.« She smiled happily, because now it wasn't a burden to carry alone anymore, she had friends that would help, and she had Draco, whom she loved with all her might. »Did she say TWINS?!« Ron nearly fainted. »Oh come on Ronald stop overreacting! You're going to love them and they're going to love you.« Hermione countered. Ron blushed, knowing she was right once again. Deep inside he was happy there were going to be babies. Three cute little munchkins he would be able to spoil rotten. »People, people you are all forgetting that the Malfoy babies and the Potter baby will help us practice for an additional three years before the rest of us have our own.« Blaise was again the one fixating on the stupidest aspect of the situation. »Zabini you are forgetting, that all of you had the chance to practice with the Baby Project class, but all of you decided to stop participating in it.« Theo said, once again being the voice of unexpected reason.

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