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After dinner on Monday, the seventh years were asked to stay behind. McGonagall was obliged by the Ministry to forward some new to them. »Students, I sincerely hope you a nice weekend and Valentine's day.« She paused, because she knew her students quite well by now and was already expecting the 'Woop Woo's' that came a few seconds later. »Thank you as always Mr. Finnegan and to you too Mr. Thomas. Now, I have an announcement from the Ministry of Magic. They have accepted another law concerning all of you, yet again.« The tension in the room was palpable. It was completely silent, not a single groan or sigh was heard from the group of students. »They believe that since most of you have decided on terminating you participation in the baby project it calls for a new, more strict law. They have decided on enforcing the so-called marriage law. Each and every one of you have exactly one year to marry the partner that had been assigned to you in September, no exceptions. After that you have two more years to start a family, meaning that three years from today you are to have at least one child on the way, again with no exceptions. Those of you who do not obey this law, shall face a horrible punishment, your magic and all your memories of our world will be taken away. I apologize dearly to all of you. I had no prior knowledge of this ghastly thing, I found out about it today. But as I have noticed almost all of you have found some kind of love or at least friendship in your partners, so I believe that there shouldn't be much of a problem with going along with the law.«






»Seems like you two are doing your homework early, huh Gin?« Her brother asked her when he saw her engagement ring.

All of the previous neighbors were now together once more in their common room, because the new marriage law insisted the couples shared their rooms (again). This worked perfectly for all of them, because they missed their group of friends and unlikely neighbors dearly.

»That's not the only part of the homework we've done early...« As Harry chirped in Ron's face turned so red he could have easily been mistaken for a tomato. »Wait, you... That means... You're...« While Ron was trying to figure out how to respond and what it actually meant, the others congratulated them. »It still might take him a while... should we help him?« Blaise Zabini asked Harry. »Seeing as Potter would probably like to keep his nuttsack, I wouldn't do that if I were you.« Pansy answered. »Yeah Potter you should take advantage of this and get a head start, because when Weasley realizes you've been boning his sister, he's going to rip something off.« Draco added. »You idiot! Now you've told him what it meant, and soon Potter will be the-boy-who-can't-have-any-more-children!« Now even Theo joined the conversation. The other four girls enjoyed the Slytherins' taunting and have been laughing since Blaise started the conversation. And then Ron turned to look at Harry, a murderous glint in his eyes. »YOU! YOU KNOCKED UP GINNY! THAT'S MY LITTLE SISTER!!!!! OH you better run Harry Potter!« »DAMN IT RON, I DON'T WANT MY CHILD TO BE FATHERLESS! LEAVE HIM ALONE!« The other seven left in the room stared at the door of the common room that was left open. »Pft, such a hypocrite! He's been doing Chang for almost six months now, but when his sister start's getting some it's suddenly not okay?« Two slaps hit Zabini's head, causing him to gasp in pain. »Ouch! Pansy why would you do that? I mean Chang I get, but why you?« »Because, you ass, you will not speak of girls in that manner! Chang might be 'getting some' but it's not something you are allowed to point out.« »He's right though, Ron is acting like hypocrite right now.« Hermione jumped to his defense.

A figure swooshed past them and shut the door loudly with a bang. Then Ron came in and started banging on his door. »Harry Potter you open that door right now and explain yourself!« A muffled ' no thanks' was heard from inside the room. Coincidentally a baby's crying was heard from another room. »RON WEASLEY! YOU WOKE UP ESTHER. CALM THE HECK DOWN RIGHT NOW I WILL BE THE ONE SENDING YOU THE NEXT HOWLER. DO NOT POUT AT ME! HARRY I CAN HEAR YOU LAUGHING IN THERE, AND DON'T YOU DARE THINK I WON'T DEAL WITH YOU LATER.« Then Luna stormed off in the direction of the room, shutting the door quietly behind her. A while later the crying subsided. »Woah, that's my woman.« Theo was the first to break the shocked silence of the group. He was impressed and surprised, and completely in love with her. »Ha! I knew it!« Draco muttered under his breath, Hermione squeezed his hand slightly, trying to suppress a laugh. Soon all pairs went to bed, happy to share them once again.

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