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"Let's be irresponsible! We could have a Halloween party! Don't give me those looks! I have thought this through. Okay so here's the plan: we can put all the babies in one room and create a nanny. Then we invite other people and expand this room. We then have to just get some booze and some crisps or something. We would ofcourse cast a muffliato on the baby room and this one so we don't get in trouble." "Zabini my man you are a genius! All in favor of Zabini's party plan say I!" Ron said. He got more than half I's so it was decided. The only ones against it were Hermione and ironically Draco. She huffed in annoyance when she saw they had agreed on something.
So the plan was in motion. Harry and Ginny used the Marauder's Map and his invisibility cloak to get the food and drinks. Hermione agreed on turning two owls into nannies in the end, because she found it to be good practice for her NEWTS. Luna passed around the invites and Theo supervised it, because you never knew who Luna would invite. Blaise and Pansy charmed their common room in to a party paradise. There was a disco ball, a bar, some speakers and a lot of colorful flashing lights.
Draco spent the afternoon with Alexei. When the little boy fell asleep in his stroller, Draco took him up to the library and did his homework.
A lot of Gryffindors came to the party. You see, Blaise and Pansy had become really good friends with their common roomies. And they realised that Gryffindors were actually pretty fun to hang with. So they had no objections to the party guests.
It was obligatory to wear a costume. Blaise and Pansy went as Frankenstein and his bride. Luna went as a Nargle. Nobody understood her costume, but the drunker they got the funnier it seemed. Theo attempted to be funny so he went as Fenrir Greyback. Luna was the only one who laughed. Harry and Ginny went as lions. "You and your Gryffindor pride!" is what Theo said when he saw them. Cho went as a dumpling, which Ron found hilarious. He went as a troll. When they became tipsy they just starred at eachother and kept laughing.
Hermione decided to go as a Hogwarts student, her own way of rebelling against the party. Draco went as himself, he was also rebelling.
"Come on Hermione! Drink! Live a little!" Ron kept pushing her and he started to get on her nerves. She yelled at him to leave her alone. "Fine suit yourself!" He left her alone and went dancing with Cho.
"How unexpected! Granger is now not just a knowitall, but a boring knowitall!" "Shut up Malfoy! I really don't care what you think."
"Don't care what I think do you? Then why is there a drink in your hand?" There indeed was a drink in Hermione's hand. Her fifth cup of firewhisky. She showed him her tongue. "You are such an insufferable ass Mal-" She was cut off when he kissed her. "How dare you kiss me?!"  "Well it shut you up for a moment Granger so I think it was for a good cause." "Argh! I hate you!" "Don't we all Granger? Don't we all..." He turned on his heel and walked away. She downed her cup and went seeking another one. Draco watched her from a distance. He too had been drinking. He would have never overstepped his and her boundaries if he had been sober. But now... When the deed had been done he wanted to do it again and again.
After about three hours and four firewhiskys later Hermione went seeking Draco. She wanted to yell at him for the ass he was. She couldn't find him in the common room, so she tried their room. She found him standing by the window, a cup in his hand. "Malfoy." "Granger." He mocked her tone. "What gave you the right to kiss me? What gives you the right to be an ass? What gives you the right to speak to me like that? Huh?" Each time she poked him in his hard muscled chest. The third time he caught her hand and didn't let go. "Let go of my hand Malfoy!" "Kiss me and I will." "Excuse me?" "Are you deaf Granger?" "Are you daft Malfoy?" She stared up at him defiantly. They were standing really close to eachother. He couldn't handle the pressure anymore. To hell with boundaries, he thought. He crashed his lips into hers and after the initial shock lifted she kissed him back. The kiss slowly became deeper and deeper. It was so heated that Hermione became dizzy. They started undressing eachother. Hermione jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Malfoy walked them to the bed and the last small pieces of clothing were thrown on the floor.
"Having fun Mooney?" He remembered, she thought, but decided not to mention it. "I am, thank you Theodore. And yourself?" "I am very much so. Why are you all alone?" "I like it, solitude helps me think, you know. Why are you alone?" "I'm not alone. You're here aren't you?" "I'm always here Theodore. Always..." A warmth went through his body. Followed by a much stronger coldness. "You shouldn't Luna. Not for me." "You called me Luna. Only friends call me Luna... Are we friends Theodore?" He gave her a warning look to which she replied with a kind smile.
"I love you Arry. We should get married. Woaaaaah whyyyy is the worllll d spinning right now? Hahahha your face is ffunny... So soft. I think I have to sit down a little. Woooo no wait I want to run. Wooooo you can't catch me! You can't catch me hahahahaha. Ouch. I have a booboo Arry. Kiss it and make it better. Pweaseeee."
Harry sighed and picked his girlfriend up, bridal style. "Come here you little munchkin. Let's put you to bed." She started crying: "You're so good to me! I love you Arry." And then she fell asleep. Harry layd her down. He lay down next to her and embraced her in a spoon.
"B-dawg wa's 'appenin!" It turned out that Pansy became a white trash gangster when she was drunk. "Pans, maybe you should put down your drink for a while, yeah? Here have some water. I think we might have miscalculated this thing. You see, all the babies are in our room, so a question comes to my mind... Where do we sleep?" "That ain't no thing dawg! We'll crash on the ca-zouch." "I guess... You're a smart one P-diddy." He was sure she would say something about the awful nickname this time too, but she just fist bumped him. He lost her when she started dancing. "God I love this woman." He chuckled and joined her on the dance floor, because when you can't beat them, join them.
"Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! You're a dumpling! But isn't it kind of racist?" "Who cares! It's Halloween!" Cho giggled and they went back to laughing at eachother. When they stopped it was 2 AM and they were the only people still there. Everyone else had gone and Pansy was sleeping on the couch with Blaise. "Where did everyone go?" Cho asked. "To bed I guess. I'm a bit tired myself... Let's go sleep." And for the first time they slept in the same bed.

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