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Everything seemed to go according to everyone's plan the last week before their final exams. Theo being the neverwavering pessimist he was, didn't like it. It was just calm before the storm he thought. Nothing can be this wholesome for such a long period of time. He was deep in thought while he was studying in the library with Hermione Granger. The two had found a comradeship between themselves. Both of them liked studying in the library and thought the others to be too distracting for their liking. Hermione asked Theo a question five minutes ago and he still hadn't answered her. She looked up from her Astronomy charts. "Nott!" She waved her hands infront of his face. "Huh?" He shook his head, as if he were trying to escape his thoughts. "I asked you something." "Could you please repeat your question?" "What does this constellation mean again?" She held up her chart infront of his face. He rose an eyebrow, wracking his brain for the answer. Then he remembered. "It's uh the sign of upcoming trouble. It's only visible at one time in the year, when evil forces naturally feel stronger and are most likely to strike. That's why Voldemort usually showed his face at the end of the school year." Hermione's face flashed with understanding. "Right. Thanks! What were you thinking about Theo? You seemed quite deep in thought." He considered not telling her, he didn't want to stress her out, so close to her due date and the final exams. But he knew she would pester him until he told her. "I just think this is too good to be true. Like it's the calm before the storm. I feel like things are bound to explode sooner or later. I know we all had issues with eachother throughout this whole year, but it was still not that bad, considering..." "Considering? The past you mean?" He nodded in reply. "Well, I guess I know where you're coming from. There wasn't one peaceful year at Hogwarts in all of our 7 years here. It's completely logical to expect something bad to happen. Even more so since that constellation is visible at the moment. Something horrible happening is all we've come to know. But maybe it's time we try to get past that. Voldemort is dead. I don't believe another force as evil as him will rise so soon." "Maybe. But we shouldn't let our guards down so easily." "Oh ofcourse! I completely agree. I just hope Harry won't be the one having to deal with it again. He's finally happy. And his wedding is in a few days!"
Yes, indeed it was. Harry Potter would be getting married two days before the start of NEWTs. Hermione tried to talk them out of it, seeing as the original plan was for them to get married after the NEWTs, but Ginny and Harry wanted to do it before the exams and before the birth of their son. Ginny decided she didn't want to have a baby out of wedlock as orthodox as that may seem. It was a miracle how she managed to plan the entire thing while also studying for her exams. Hermione helped as much as she could, but she wasn't willing to give up too much of her study time. It would be a small ceremony on Hogwarts grounds. She only invited her family and friends, along with some professors.
The wedding really wasn't a big affair. Luckily no reporter heard when and where it would take place, so no unwanted guest came to the wedding. Harry was feeling a bit nervous the previous day, but by morning everything seemed to be right with the world again. As he waited for his beautiful bride to walk down the aisle, he looked over his dearest and closest. A wave of sadness hit him as there were so many people he would have wanted at his wedding missing. His parents, Sirius, the Lupins, Fred, Severus and heck even Mad-Eye Moody. But all his thoughts melted away as a beautiful ginger made her way towards him. To say she was stunning was an understatement. And best thing in his opinion? The small belly that hid his child. They smiled at eachother when she reached him. They looked as in love as they did when they first started dating. When they exchanged their "I do"s they kissed and everyone started cheering them on. Even McGonagall. Ut was all very beautiful. Their reception was short, because of the upcoming NEWTs. But it was still very eventful.
"Hermione?" Draco asked in the midle of a slow dance. She was already tired and it hadn't even been evening yet. She had her head rested on his shoulder as they danced slowly. "Hmm?" She yawned. "Would you like to do this? All of this?" She jerked her head up amd looked at him. "Are you seriously asking if I want to have sex with you right now? I'm already pregnant!" He laughed at her angry response and said: "No silly! I meant the wedding and all that jazz." "I would have expected a grander proposal from Draco Malfoy!" She exclaimed. "Miss Granger, this is by no means a proposal. I am just wondering how you might feel about getting married. I mean, if we want to keep our powers, we have to do it sooner or later." he said seriously. "Ah, mr. Malfoy always the serious one. Guess you've answered your own question, then. However, I do not and shall not think about this until my final exam is over. Understood? Do not even think about proposing until then, lest you want to get hexed." he quickly nodded in response and they continued dancing.

On the other side of the dance floor Luna and Theo had a similar conversation." Lovegood, does it bother you that I haven't proposed yet?" Theo asked quietly. "Theodore, I am completely happy with how things are for now. However, if you want to, we could get married sooner. Is that what's been bothering you? Because I know something is definitely on your mind. Don't try denying it mister." She pointed a finger at his chest while they were dancing. He chuckled in response and kissed her forehead. "I just don't trust this situation. Everything has been swell for far too long. What if something bad happens and ruins everything?" he frowned. "Of course, something bad is bound to happen sooner or later, but that's life. You live, you deal, you learn. And then you move on to the next obstacle. Let's just enjoy this moment with our friends. And I must say that I am happy that I get to have fun a bit before the exams and without Esther. I mean, you know I love her. But it's good that she's with a nanny and we got to spend some time together, just us." she said quietly. She felt bad for saying it, but it was the truth. Any parent will tell you that it's good to have some alone time every once in a while. Theo agreed and they continued dancing. And laughing. And hugging. Even kissing a little. They enjoyed the rest of their night together.
The exams came and one by one they passed. Some were more difficult than others. Hermione thanked her lucky stars that she hadn't been preoccupied with wedding preparations, but spent all her time revising.

The day of the last exam came, finally. It was her time to shine in Arithmacy. She was well prepared for every possible example and task. Well... There was one thing she wasn't prepared for. Contractions. It began when she woke up. She felt slight cramps in her stomach. At first she attributed them to being nervous about the exam. But when they started being regular and similar to eachother, she knew something was up. They were still far enough apart for her not to be worried, though. She was still a few weeks away from her due date, so they might have been false contractions.

So, she calmly sat down in the classroom and opened the exam. As she got to the second question, she felt sharp pain in her stomach. She grit her teeth and continued answering the question. Not a full five minutes passed when she felt another one. They kept getting stronger and longer. Still she worked through the pain.

When the professor announced the end of their time she stood up. "Merlin's beard Granger, did you pee yourself?" someone exclaimed. She looked down at her seat, which was indeed wet. "Hermione, I think your water broke!" Ginny cried. In the blink of an eye Malfoy grabbed her hand and started rushing her off to the hospital wing. "This can't be happening! We still have a month until your due date!" he said while walking. Well, rather running. "I thought I've been having Braxton Hick's. I guess they were real." She muttered more to herself than to him. "You mean to tell me you've been having contractions and you didn't say anything? When did they start?" he gave her a shocked look. Before she could answer they were already at the hospital wing.

"Madame Pomfrey, I think I'm in labour." she told the healer. She was lead to a bed and the healer performed a spell on her. "I believe you are correct."

She prepared everything for the birth. It seemed that Hermione would be able to give birth naturally. No C-section needed. "How arre you so calm, woman?" Malfoy yelled. "Mr. Malfoy, I suggest you calm down, lest you want to be removed from the hospital wing." "Malfoy, is it just me or are you paler than usual?" she joked. She didn't know how she managed to stay so calm. Her life would change in a matter of hours and yet she felt at peace. Of course it hurt. But she's been through much worse. She knew deep down that everything would be alright.

After being scowled at by Madame Pomfrey, Draco calmed down. He grabbed his partner's hand and helped her breathe through the process. The process ended in about two hours. When the first twin was born. It was a beautiful baby girl. The healer took her away for a second to clean her up. Then she gave her to Hermione. She was passed to Draco quickly, though, because soon it was time for the other baby to be born. It went even faster from that point on. To everyone's surprise, the second one was a boy. None the less, they were both happy to have two healthy beautiful children. Hermione had to give birth to the placenta next, but when that was done, the healer gave them some alone time with the babies.

"Draco, they're so beautiful. Do you want to name the boy?" Draco had tears of joy in his eyes. He had become the proud father of two children. "What do you think of Scorpius?" he asked her, while looking at the baby boy that now lay in his arms. "I love it. Daisy and Scorpius,welcome to the world." As she said that they both started crying and it was time for them to eat.

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