Chapter 4: Dedication

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Yuzuru has been giving me weird looks ever since we had the talk about my education. He looks like he always wants to say something, but ends up never speaking. I try to egg him on, but he never takes the bait. I want Yuzuru to just tell me what he wants to say, but I'm not going to pressure him. He'll talk when he wants to. There's no point in trying to pry it out when he doesn't want to talk about. I'm sure if it was quite important, he would have said something already.

Today is the last day of the Fantasy on Ice show. Apparently there is some big surprise going to happen, but I haven't been told exactly what that is. I'm sure it doesn't concern me if i haven't been told about it. I don't want to try to find out anyway. It might lead to something that is going to be a great laugh for everyone but me.

Apparently I was to present Yuzuru with an bouquet of flowers at the end of his encore.  For some ungodly reason, I was asked to put on a pair of skates much like the ones the ladies wear. I have no idea why they would choose me as I can barely glide across the ice. This could've been done by anyone beside me. Now here I am at the edge of the ice getting ready to step onto it so that way I could go over to Yuzuru in the middle of the ice and hand him the flowers. The director of the ice show signals for me to make my way over to Yuzuru.

As Yuzuru is bowing to the audience and everyone is cheering around me. I was also handed a microphone right before I walked on as well. I waddle my way over to Yuzuru as he basks in the attention, which ends up shifting over to me as the audience is confused as to who I am and why I am making a fool of myself on the ice. Even a spotlight is following me. As I slowly pace over to Yuzuru, he finally notices me coming over. He effortlessly skates over and guides me over to the center. Everyone is cheering for us, more likely for Yuzuru. I hand the flowers over to him and bow. Yuzuru bows back in thanks. Then I hand him the microphone as I was instructed to by the director.

"Thank you very much, everyone," Yuzuru practically yells into the microphone. Everyone cheers. "As tonight ends, tomorrow will come and soon I will be back preparing for this next season. And then it will be the Olympics. I will work my hardest to gain the gold and I hope everyone will be cheering me on."

The crowd goes crazy over Yuzuru's words. I admire how he can command a crowd; not with just his skating, but with this words as well. Then Yuzuru places himself around me and wraps his arm around my waist. I am shocked by his very much public display of affection. I try to push his arm off, but that only causes him to tickle my side and make me laugh. The crowd laughs at the scene and I'm pretty sure everyone is taking pictures or video of this rare moment.

"I don't know if many of you guys know," Yuzuru continues as he holds me hostage by his side. "But this is my lovely girlfriend, Marie Mai Vincenté. She is my translator as well as my manager and many other things. She has been with me through this last season and I hope I don't drive her mad through this next one."

The whole crowd laughs at his words. I nudge him in his side and he just tickles me back. I hope he has a point. I'm starting to get cold.

"I would like to dedicate this season to her," Yuzuru announces. I look up at him in shock. "She is what gets me through every competition. And I hope to always have her by my side. I will try to retain my title and bring back the gold to Japan again."

With that, Yuzuru seals the promise by kissing me right in the edge of my lips, but he made it look to the whole audience like he kissed me in the lips. Then he thanks the crowd again before pulling me off the ice. I start angrily whispering to Yuzuru and why he pulled such a stunt. My words fell on to deaf ears as I go back to the side and Yuzuru leaves me so he can finish the ice show with everyone else in the finale. When we get back to the hotel, Yuzuru is going to wish he never touched that microphone.

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