Chapter 17: Distress

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Leaving the house was hard. As soon as I hung up on Yuzuru to leave, I could hear the shouting that was still happening inside the kitchen. It was only my mother and father still there. I try and sneak past them as I head out the door. Sadly, I'm not stealthy enough to pass by sneakily.

"Anak? Where are you going?" my mother asks as she notices me leaving towards the door.

"I'm going to stay with Yuzuru for a little while," I tell her softly, unwillingness to address the man that has ruined our family with his secrets.

"But isn't he still in Japan? You just got back."

"Yes, and I do not feel comfortable staying in the house right now. I'm catching the next flight out of Canada and Yuzuru is allowing me to stay with him until he comes back."

"Marie, you don't have to go. Everything's going to be fine."

"I'm sorry, Nanay. I'll be back when Yuzuru comes back. I love you."

I walk over to my mother and kiss her cheek. I avoid looking at my father as I cannot stand the sight of him. I take my luggage and head out the door. I already called a taxi to pick me up after I got off the phone with Yuzuru. I walk over to the waiting taxi. The driver comes over and helps me place my luggage in the back. Then they open the door for me and I slide in. They take me to the airport in a short amount of time. From there I purchase my ticket for the next flight to Japan. The next flight is not for another 3 hours. It's still midday so there are a lot of people in the airport. I go through security for the second time today, but this time I'm leaving. I text Yuzuru letting him know about my flight to Japan.

I find a seat near my gate and settle down for the wait. I pull out my laptop and start it. I beginning replying to some emails from my college. I reply back to fellow students as well as some professors that I've contacted before. Once that is over, I still have two hours of wait left. Suddenly I receive a call from my mother. I contemplate answering it before I do. I don't really want to talk to my family right now, but she is my mother and she's going through a lot right now.

"Anak, where are you?" my mother asks, sadness twinged in her voice.

"I'm at the airport. My flight is in two hours," I reply back softly.

"Promise me you'll call when you're in Japan."

"Of course, Nanay. I'm sorry I left, but I couldn't stay in the house."

"I know, anak. It's been hard without you at home. I've been wanting to call you, but you're living your life and doing more than I could have ever imagined for you. I'm so proud of your accomplishments. I'm sorry this isn't happening."

Tears form at the corner of my eyes. My mother does not need to apologize for this. She didn't ask for this to happen. No one ever asks for this to happen.

"Nanay. Don't apologize. This is that man's fault. I'm sorry if I'm running away from the family. This is just too much to handle. I promise I'll come back when everything has settled down," I tell her sadly as I watch the people around me. Happy families and people rushing to get to their flights.

"That's okay, anak. Just take your time. This is going to be a difficult time for all of us. I understand if you don't want to be home. Your ate is always away at her boyfriend's house and Mateo doesn't really know what's going on. But I hope to see you soon. Let me know when you get to Japan. I love you," my mother says to me.

"I will. I love you too, Nanay."

I hang up my phone and put it down. I just left my mother to have to deal with this tragedy alone. It makes me feel so bad that I'm running away instead of helping her. I'm just a terrible daughter. I don't know how to cope with this besides running away. As much as I want to be back in Canada, it doesn't feel right being there. I just want to be with Yuzuru and forget about the mess my life has just become.

After awhile, I get hungry. I realize I haven't eaten in hours. I leave my stuff in my chair and head to the closest food place. It just happens to be a Bento Sushi. I order a chasu ramen noodle bowl and Cali-Shogun roll. After I receive my food, I head back to my seat. Everything is how I left it so I don't worry about my items. I eat my food while watching videos on YouTube. I finish up my food and throw away my trash.

I return back to my laptop and do some mindless tasks while listening to music. It doesn't take long for my flight to be called. I grab my carry-on items and head to my gate. I board the plane. As I do, send a text to my mother and Yuzuru letting them know where I am right now. Then I turn off my phone and buckle up for a long flight. After take off, I immediately fall asleep as the stress of the day finally wears me down and I can't stand to be awake anymore. I just hope when I get to Yuzuru, everything will be okay with him.

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