Chapter 7: The interrogation

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Chapter 7

The interrogation

We managed to drag this so called steel weapon alchemist to an elevator in the building. Sarah planned to interrogate and question him on the roof. I just agreed, after all, I wanted answers too. We reached the floor under the roof, it was as high as the elevator could go. "We have to drag him up the stairs from here" Sarah cautioned. "But this guy's extremely heavy, can't we just interrogate him here?" I whined. Sarah gave me this look which said she wasn't playing around, I had no choice but to follow her. We dragged the unconscious tall man up the stairs and finally reached the roof. Sarah opened the door and helped me place the man on the middle of the roof. "Now what? We wait for him to wake up?" I asked Sarah. "There's no way I'm waiting" Sarah assured. She walked up to the alchemist lying on the floor, and started kicking him. "Hey, you alive?!" she called out. "Hey, that's a bit rude don't you think? I mean I just knocked him out, his head is probably in the stars right now" I gawked. "Don't get to full of yourself, he'll wake up soon" Sarah replied.

Sarah started kicking him again. After a few kicks the man twitched. "Stop that will you?! It's really annoying!The man roared. "Well look who's awake" Sarah taunted. The man named Dicer looked around at his environment, then looked at me. "Hmph. You got me kid, but don't think that means you've won" Dicer nagged. This guy kept referring to me as a kid. C'mon am I that short? "I have a name you know Mr. Dicer" I blurted. "Save it. I already know who you are boy" Dicer scoffed. Sarah narrowed her eyes at Dicer. "What was the true purpose of you barging into my house and just start attacking him?" Sarah asked. "Hahaha! Like I'd tell you anything!" Dicer chirped. Sarah kicked him again but this time it was harder and to the stomach. "Tell me or I'll throw you of the roof!" Sarah commanded. Dicer looked her in the eyes, than managed to look at me too. "Do you really think you guys have won?!" Dicer roared. He quickly sat on his kness and jumped up, Sarah couldn't react fast enough and Dicer tackled her to the ground. I quickly stood up.

"Remember this boy!" Dicer roared again. "One day, I will find you again! And next time you won't be so lucky!" he shouted. he charged towards me, he was quick but I managed to dodge him, and then I realized, he wasn't charging at me to attack me, he was going for the door to the stairs. Darnit! I was suppose to guard the door! "Why did you let him through! Oh nevermind! After him!" Sarah stormed. I turned towards the door and started running. If he is taking the elevator, it might be too late. He'll be doing the same thing I did to him in Sarah's apartment building. How ironic. I rushed down the stairs into the hallway. The hallway was just a straight path leading to the elevator. I spotted Dicer running towards it. He somehow manged to push a button with his cuffs and hurried inside the elevator. I was still meters away. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Dicer laughed. "HAHAHAHA! So long kid!" I couldnt' let him get away. I just kept running. The elevator doors closed and I plunged onto the doors tackling it with my upper arm. This caused me to lose my balance and fall on the floor. Other than the doors shaking, nothing happened.

Darn. I lost him, and too easily as well. "Did you get him?!" Sarah called out running towards me a few meters away. "Hate to say it, but he got away." I admitted. "I'm not letting him get away that easily!" Sarah shouted. She immediately ran to a door where a sign hung saying 'stairs'. "C'mon!" she commanded me. I quickly followed after her as she opened the door and started running down the stairs. The staircase all the way down was a whole combination of a few amount of L shaped stairs. The building was 5 stories high so it was a pain to take the stairs instead of the elevator. When we were at the staircase of the 1st floor Sarah was already impatient and jumped the fence at the side of the stairs and landed straight to the ground floor. "Hurry up!" She shouted, and ran out the door to chase Dicer. I jumped from the 1st floor staircase too. I thought it would make me look cool even though no one was watching. I jumped and did a roll right after I landed, just like in those parkour videos.

I ran out the door Sarah went through and rushed through the lobby of the building. There were a decnt amount of people in the lobby, some sitting on sofas, some talking on phones, and some talking to the receptionists. I assumed Sarah chased him outside so I zoomed passed the opening sliding doors and continued dashing down the sidewalk. After a few meters I spotted Sarah resting her back on a wall, panting. "Any luck?" I asked her. "No, he got away" she replied in fustration. "Let's get back to my apartment, we'll let this one go for now" she added. I nodded in agreement. "I hope that guy didn't trash my apartment too much when he attacked you. In fact, did he?" She asked with a stern voice. I instantly remembered that the door, was left opened, and not to mention the machete on the wall. "A little I guess, but I bet he left the door opened when he chased me." I answered. Sarah widened her eyes, "Is there any chance, that he might go back there?" Sarah asked with a worried tone. "I don't know, but we have to hurry if we're gonna find that out" I told her. We took a taxi back to Sarah's apartment building. While I was paying the cab Sarah got out in a hurry and ran inside the building. Well, I guess it's only natural for someone to be worried about their home.

Once I was done paying the cab I dashed after Sarah to the elevator. This is too much running for just one day. I got into the elevator with her and she pressed button number 7, I was confused because when I was being chased this early afternoon I noticed she lived on floor 6. "You live on the 6th floor right? Why are we going to floor 7?" I asked her in obvious confusion. "There's someone we need to see first" she answered. I hoped this someone we were seeing was not a therapist or something, maybe a relative of hers? Or maybe a doctor or a friend? I decided to keep the rest of my questions to myself and go with the flow. I was tired after all. We arrived at the 7th floor and walked out the elevator. We continued to walk down the hallway. It was dark, only a few lights were on, but they weren't that bright either. We continued to walk until a far end in the hallway. "Room 235, this is it" Sarah whispered. She walked closer to the door and rang the doorbell. We waited for a minute. Nothing happened. Sarah rang the doorbell again, pressing it twice. Still, nothing happened. I was starting to think this friend of Sarah's is sleeping or not home. But Sarah didnt give up.

After a few minutes passed, Sarah rang the doorbell again. "Maybe this friend of yours isn't home" I whispered. "Or maybe she is" Sarah replied ringing the doorbell again. So it was a she that we were visiting. I wonder if it's another alchemist or something. Sarah suddenly looked me in the eyes and handed me a pen. "Kai, here's a pen, draw a transmutation circle on the palm of your hand" Sarah gulped. "What? Why? Is something wrong?" I asked her. "I'm not sure, something just doesn't feel right..." Sarah explained. "Well, what kind of transmutation circle should I draw?" I added. "One that will be useful in combat" Sarah replied. For combat? Well that doesn't sound good. However, I looked at Sarah, her eyes, it was full of sheer determination. It was serious and scary, like it was as cold as ice. I could already tell something was wrong, but it didn't look like Sarah was scared at all. Well, being the alchemist that she is, she probably went through a lot, including fights. I began to draw a transmutation circle on the palm of my right hand. It was one similar to the one I drew in that alley. Something I could use to manipulate the ground.

I also drew a transmutation circle on my left hand, just in case you know. The transmutation circle I drew on my left had was one that would let me transform material into something else, but having the same mass. Similar to what Dicer did when he made a machete from the stone in the wall. "You ready?" Sarah asked me. "Well, I guess so" I replied. My mind kept wondering what would happen next...

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