Two- "Feisty one, aren't you?"

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Mia was growing eager to go out

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Mia was growing eager to go out. She sat in the shared room of her and her brother, tapping her foot against the wall. She hung her head over the side of her bed and let her long hair fall to the floor.

She'd always been this way; lonely. When her brother went out with his friends for a "boys day", she would normally sit at home and wallow in her own misery. She scared away anyone that could possibly care about her, and until this day she hadn't felt any regret.

The smile that boy had given her the day before made her feel something. A friendly gesture, simple and sweet, but she felt almost included in the group. No one ever smiled at her, other than Patrick, who was only trying to woo her for sex.

Mia was feeling a strange sense of guilt for her actions. After countless attacks on kids with her brother, she ever thought that something as simple as a smile would make her regret everything.

Mia wanted friends.

The young Bowers girl sighed and rolled over on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She thought about what she'd done to Eddie Kaspbrak.

She knew very well that Eddie was a germaphobe, as did anyone who spent more than two minutes in the same room with him. While she thought what she'd done was funny, he certainly wouldn't have agreed.

The truth is, she didn't want Eddie to hate her. She didn't want any of their loser group to hate her. Because deep down Mia knew, that if anyone was going to forgive her, it'd be them.

"Mia!" Henry's voice sang through the house and into her room. Immediately the young girl jumped up and followed the source of the sound, finding her brother and Patrick at the bottom of the stairs. "We're going to town, getting some food and shit. You wanna come?"

"Fuck yeah," she laughed, running back into her room to grab a sweater. Looking through her closet, the young girl heard footsteps approach from behind her. Expecting it to be her brother grabbing something, she ignored it.

Arms wrapped around her waist and picked her up, frightening her. Mia turned around and found herself face to face with Patrick Hockstetter.

"What are you doing? Henry's downstairs." She whined, trying to get out of his grip. She wasn't in the mood for this at all.

"You were pretty ballsy yesterday, standing up to him like that." He smiled, leaning in and sucking on the skin of Mia's neck. He disconnected for one second, "you got me all hot and bothered."

"Patrick, get off." The Bowers girl commanded, shoving him off of her.

"Feisty one, aren't you?" Patrick snickered, licking his lips. "To be continued..." He smiled, leaving the room. Mia followed feeling slightly uneasy.

The three of them climbed back into the car, with Belch driving and Victor in the front seat. Mia sat in between her brother and Patrick, with Patrick nonchalantly trying to pull her onto his lap.

The car reached the Derry town centre. The streets were crowded with kids on summer vacation, but as the Bowers group entered the area, children of all ages fled in every direction, except for one.

It was Mike Hanlon, a home schooled kid who delivered meat to the butcher shop. He was one of Henry's favourite targets. The boy was distracted by the meat falling out of the basket on his bike, he didn't notice the approaching car. At the last possible second, he took his bike down an alley way on the opposite side of the road, into the delivery site of the butcher shop.

While the car did it's best to turn around quickly and reach it's prey, Mike found himself in a terrifying situation. The doors of the butcher shop were banging, and charred hands reached for him. His greatest nightmare was coming to life before his eyes. 

Mike had a horror in his past that had followed him all his life. His parents had died in a house fire, trying to save him in the process. Using all of their strength to attempt breaking down the door that hid Mike on the other side, his parents had melted the skin on their hands down to the bone. Mike's heart raced as the door swung open, revealing a dark room with a translucent tarp hung from the ceiling.

On the other side of the tarp was a pair of bright yellow eyes, that soon manifested into the figure of a clown

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On the other side of the tarp was a pair of bright yellow eyes, that soon manifested into the figure of a clown. It was hung from the ceiling like dead cattle, staring at him and twitching. Mike was terrified, he didn't know what to do, or where to run.

Little did he know that this was the start of a terrible chain of events.

The Bowers group sped into the alley, causing Mike to fall back, into a pile of garbage behind him. The car blocked the door from his sight and he finally came back to reality.

Henry yelled a racial slur out the window of the car, and Belch drove off as quickly at they'd arrived. The door was empty, the room on the other side was, too. 

Mike was safe. For now.

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