Thirty-Eight-"Say one word and I'll cut you."

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"Are you sure this is right?" Bill asked, staring down at his shirt tie. Mia pulled tightly on the knot, nearly choking him. "Hey!"

"It's fine, Billy," Mia chuckled, turning him towards the bathroom mirror. Bill was clad in a light blue dress shirt and black dress pants. Mia stood behind the taller boy and put her hands on his shoulders and squeezed. "You look great."

"Yeah, now it's your turn to get dressed," Bill smirked, "you're not honestly going to homecoming in s-s-sweatpants."

"I told everyone that I might," The Bowers girl shook her head and smiled, "they said they don't care what I wear."

"But I care!" A voice rang into the two foster-siblings' ears. Mrs. Denbrough stood in the doorway of the bathroom, leaning against the frame. She raised her eyebrows at Mia.

"But Sharon," Mia whined, rolling her eyes at her foster mother.

"No buts, go get dressed. We didn't go out and buy that dress for nothing."

The small girl shook her head and giggled, then ran off down the hallway to her bedroom. Laid out on her bed was a sleeveless silver dress. Laying beside it was a pair of green strappy shoes.

"Put it on already!" A voice called from the doorframe. Spinning on her heels, the Bowers girl came face to face with Eddie Kaspbrak, who was dressed to the nines in a salmon dress shirt and navy blue suit.

"Oh my god, Eddie!" Mia squealed, running towards her friend. She hugged him tightly, then pulled away. "You look all grown up!" She took her pointer finger and popped him on the nose.

"Yeah, yeah, you're very funny," Ed chuckled, leaning his weight on the white doorframe. "I'll be downstairs. Hurry up, we're going to be late."

Closing the door behind Eddie, Mia took a deep breath and pulled her long sleeved shirt off of her head. She bit her lip nervously.

Once Mia was fully dressed, she turned to the small vanity in the corner of her room. A small white hairpin sat on the counter, one that Henry had given to her before he left. It was engraved with the word 'courage'.

Mia pulled her long hair back into a half-up-half-down look and smiled to herself. She'd never worn anything so pretty in her life, she felt like a princess. The dress was absolutely stunning on her, even she could admit that she looked awesome.

Mia slowly opened the door of her bedroom and made her way to the stairs, creeping down. At the bottom of the steps were Eddie and Bill, waiting patiently for her.

"Wow," Eddie gasped as his gaze fell on Mia Bowers. A smile crept onto his cheeks.

Bill opened his mouth widely, pretending to be absolutely stunned.

"Don't," Mia warned, pointing at Bill, "say one word and I'll cut you."

Bill closed his mouth and ran his fingers across his lips, acting as if his mouth was locked and he'd just thrown away the key. Mia reached the bottom of the steps and lightly shoved Bill.

"Okay, okay, let's go!" Eddie exclaimed, opening the front door for the group of them.

The three friends walked down the streets of Derry in the afternoon sunset. It was only 5pm, after all.

Continuing on, they passed by the all-too-familiar house at the end of Neibolt street. Each of them stared at the desolate place, remembering all of the horrors that had occurred there. Bill and Eddie stared without fear, while Mia felt differently. The things that Pennywise had said to her were engraved in her mind, probably never to leave. She shuddered slightly as they passed by the house.

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