Twenty-Two- "Am I missing?"

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As Mia and Bill approached the front door of the house, Richie and Ben followed behind, hesitantly.

As Mia and Bill approached the front door of the house, Richie and Ben followed behind, hesitantly

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"Wait!" Stan blurted out. The group spun on their heels to face the Uris boy. "Uhm... Shouldn't we have... Some people keep watch?" He mumbled, "You know, just in case something bad happens?" Stan looked around the group, hoping that someone would agree with him. He didn't want to be the only one scared.

"Wh-wh-who wants to stay out here?" Bill stuttered.

Richie, Ben, Eddie, Stan, and Mike all raised their hands, leaving Bev, Bill and Mia as the only brave members of the group.

"Pussies..." Mia giggled to herself.

The group all looked around at one another, and each of them found their cheeks turning red. They were all embarrassed.

"Fuck." Richie sighed, turning back towards Mia and Bill and walking up the steps.

The group that was finally decided on to enter the house was Eddie, Bill, Mia, and Richie. Upon opening the door of the house, the group found the inside completely cluttered and rotting. Leaves covered the floor and tree branches grew out of the floorboards. An old couch laid in one corner of the room, and over top of it hung a large mass of bushes and tree branches.

"I can't believe I pulled the short straw," Richie sighed, "you guys are lucky we're not measuring dicks."

"Shut up, Richie," Eddie spoke breathlessly.

"Measuring dicks wouldn't have helped you at all anyways," Mia chuckled, walking ahead of the group of boys to scope out the area. She slowly yet steadily walked across the creaking floorboards, searching for any sign of the clown.

"I can smell it," Eddie cringed.

"Don't breathe through your mouth," Richie warned his hypochondriac friend.

The group stopped moving and scanned their surroundings.

"How come?"

"'Cause then you're eating it."

Eddie dramatically gagged and reached for his inhaler from his fanny pack.

Richie Tozier looked around the abandoned floor and saw something peculiar. He approached the couch in the corner of the room with the bushes laid overtop of it.

Inside the bushes, tangled in both leaves and spider webs, was a missing poster. Upon further investigation, Richie found that the poster had an image of himself plastered in the center.

Richie could hardly breathe as he read the piece of paper in his hands. He stared up at his friends nervously, on the verge of a panic attack.

"What?" Mia asked, quickly approaching her friend.

"It-it says I'm missing." Richie stuttered.

"Y-y-y-y-you're not missing, Richie," Bill stuttered.

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