Thirty-Seven- "Did you piss yourself?"

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"Mia, hurry up! You're going to be late!" Mrs. Denbrough called, zipping a lunchbox closed in the kitchen. Bill was sat at the kitchen counter, downing a bowl of Cheerios at the speed of light.

Mia looked at herself in the mirror one last time, then ran back into her room, grabbing her school bag. She took a moment to stand in the doorway, scanning the bedroom she was given.

It was Georgie's old room.

All of the youngest Denbrough's toys had been moved out of the space, and the bedsheets and side tables had been changed. The walls had been painted over in a light blue colour, brightening up the room drastically. Mia still felt terrible about the entire thing, she was living in a dead boy's bedroom.

The Denbroughs were finally in the midst of moving on. It'd taken them a long time to admit that Georgie was never coming home.

The Bowers girl slowly shut the wooden door behind her and ran to the stairs, rushing down to the kitchen. Her eyes met Bill's and she smiled.

"You're not a morning person," Bill observed.

"You have Cheerios on your pants," Mia retorted, pointing to where Bill had spilled milk and cereal on his jeans.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed, trying to wipe it off.

"Bill!" Mrs. Denbrough gasped.

"Shit, I mean," Bill widened his eyes at his mother, "s-s-sorry, Mama."

Mia chuckled and approached the kitchen island, placing her bag on the countertop. She immediately moved around the kitchen and to the fridge, opening the door and finding a juicy red apple with her name all over it. She reached into the cold refrigerator and grabbed the fruit.

Mia turned towards the clock hung in the corner of the room. Half past eight. "Let's go!!" She gasped, running to her bag and towards the front door. "Bill!"

"I'm coming!" He laughed, grabbing his and Mia's lunch bags from his mother. The two of them burst through the front door and ran to the garage, each climbing onto their own bike. Mia finally had her own bike, and she didn't have to get rides from everyone else.

The two foster-siblings pedaled off down the street towards Derry high school.

Outside the front of the school, the gang waited for Bill and Mia's arrival. The gang consisted of Eddie, Richie, and Stanley.

"So, what? You're just going to throw it out?"

"Whats the point in keeping a game if it's broken?" Stanley widened his eyes.

"Sell it to some idiot for money, shitbrain!" Richie exclaimed.

Bill and Mia rode up to the bike rack and dismounted, placing their locks on the metal. Bill spotted the gang just outside the front door and pointed. The two of them walked over to meet their friends.

"Did you piss yourself?" Richie asked, noticing Bill's discoloured jeans.

"Mia made me s-s-spill my Cheerios." Bill stuttered.

"I did not!" The short girl exclaimed, placing a hand on her heart. The five of them stood in a circle outside the building, waiting for the bell to ring.

Mia stood next to Stanley, who placed his arm around her shoulder. Mia blushed.

"Gross," Eddie complained, then smiled at the pairing.

Eddie was still upset about everything that had happened between him and Mia, but he understood. He could see the way she looked at Stanley and the way he looked at her. He wished that he could have that kind of connection with someone. He wanted that special look.

"Shut up, Eds," Mia scolded him.

"What classes do you guys have first?" Bill asked, shifting his weight uncomfortably. None of the Losers really liked school, but now that they'd moved up from the middle school building to the high school building, they all had the nervous jitters.

"I'm in English," Stanley muttered.

"Same," Mia smiled, leaning her weight into her boyfriend's chest.

"Sex ed," Richie smirked, "they wanted me to teach the good stuff."

"Richie, you have more dick in your personality than you do in your pants," Mia joked, causing the group to chuckle.

"Okay, wow, we didn't let you into this group so that you could bully us," Richie gasped.

"What else would I be here for?"

"Good point," Richie chuckled, then began to climb the concrete steps of the school. "I'm cold. Let's go."

Bill, Mia, Stanley, and Eddie, all lead by Richie, stepped through the front doors of their new school building. Over by the water fountain, only a few feets away, stood Ben Hanscom.

"Hey guys," Ben called out, waving at the group of them. Ben approached the group and they all walked down the hallway together.

Several teenaged girls stared at the group as they emitted a large amount of confidence. They walked like they owned the hallways, something that many of them had never done before. Mia, on the other hand, knew the feeling all too well.

Gretta Keene nodded her head at Mia, signaling her to approach. Mia flipped her long hair over her shoulder and walked up to the group of mean girls.

"So you're hanging out with Losers now?" Gretta asked, her eyes scanning Mia's new group of friends.

"Look, Gretta," Mia began, crossing her arms over her chest. "You used to pick on my friends, but not anymore."

"Weren't you the one who set me off on them?" Gretta blew a bubblegum bubble and popped it between her lips.

"I was, and now I'm telling you it's over. Just because Henry's gone doesn't mean I can't still kick your ass," Mia smiled widely and leaned into Stanley's shoulder. "So, run along now."

Gretta scoffed in Mia's face and walked off down the hallway, bringing her girls with her. Mia was sure that she wouldn't be bothering her or her friends anymore.

"Wow," Richie raised his eyebrows, "bullying people seems like so much fun."

"To be a bully you have to be intimidating, Rich," Eddie chuckled.

"Shut up, pipsqueak," Richie retorted.

The Bowers girl rolled her eyes in response.

"Thanks for that, Mia," Eddie spoke, lifting his arm that was still clad in the loser/lover cast. Gretta had been the one to write all over Eddie's cast, and it had truly hurt him. Mia and Eddie shared a moment of understanding, covered by a sad smile.

A loud bell rang through the air and into the Losers ears, signifying that it was time for them to part ways.

"See you guys later?" Ben asked as the hallways began to flood with teenagers.

"Yeah, s-see you," Bill smiled, then ran off down the hallway.

The group separated in every direction, with only Stanley and Mia staying together. The couple made their way through the crowded halls, towards their English class. Stanley snaked his fingers in with his girlfriend's and held on to her tightly, as if letting go would mean losing her in the crowd.

Back in the sewers, Stanley thought he was dying. In that moment of pure fear, the only thing that kept him from completely losing his mind was Mia Bowers. Not the fact that she kissed him, or the fact that she had been there to comfort him after the demon had retreated. While the woman was all over his face, in the time that he truly believed he would never see the light of day again, it was the thought of Mia being hurt that kept him from giving into the darkness. He wanted to be there to protect her, always. If he let the demon take him, he would never truly know if the Bowers girl was safe. He'd hurt her once before and he never wanted to see her hurt again.

So Stanley held onto Mia's hand as tightly as he could, as if letting go would mean having to say goodbye. And Stanley Uris never ever wanted to say goodbye.

A/N This is the end of the story! If you guys want me to do an epilogue where they do homecoming or anything I will, just let me know in the comments. Thank you so much for reading, I love you guys with all my heart!

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