Chapter 9: Ferris Wheel Of Doom.. ☁︎

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Connor's P.O.V

From the past couple of weeks from all the traveling meeting fans and having the time of my life, I felt like I was totally over Tyler. I had a day off today (for once) I loved meeting my fans and traveling from place to place but it's always nice to rest for a bit, I laid on my couch watching 'mean girls' (I know it's such a classic) as I got a phone call from 'Joe Sugg' we didn't talk a lot but I thought that I should pick up the phone..

"Hey Connor, so wanna meet up at this really cool new theme park named 'slayer'." He said not even letting me pause him to say Hi,

"Urm sure I guess." I said agreeing of meeting Joe since I had nothing else better to do to be honest since all the other 'O2L' boys are at there parent's homes. He gave me some more extra information as I said 'bye' and hang the phone up because I had to go get ready..

Tyler's P.O.V

I got a taxi cab to the theme park, the place looked quite shady as it was all smokey and some of the rides were quite broken.. And there was no one here..

"Troye you there?" I shouted searching for Troye inside the park,

"It's me Connor.." I could just about hear Connor's voice.

"Why are you here..?" I asked curious to know..

"Well Joe told me to meet him here." He replied,

"WHAT SERIOUSLY?" I shouted angry as ever how could Joe let him crash our date.. And how did Joe know about this..?

"Yeah seriously." He replied,

"Where are you Connor? I can't find you." I shouted as loud as I could so he could hear me clearly

"I'm near the Ferris wheels." He said as I made my way round to the Ferris wheels, as I got on one of the Ferris wheels as Connor started controlling it with the opened control panel, from the distance I saw a guy coming into the park he wore a red plaid shirt, blue jeans and black sunglasses, it was Troye!

"Troye come on down to the Ferris wheels!" I shouted as loud as I could,

"Okay Tilly!" Troye shouted back as he made his way through to the Ferris wheels.

"I'm so sorry Tilly I would of been here earlier but I just didn't know what to wear and-." He stopped talking as he gave Connor a dirty look, looked over to me and said

"What is he doing here?" He asked me,

"Apparently Joe told him to come." I replied.

"I'm so sorry, if you guys want me to leave I will." Connor interrupted, as I looked over at Troye giving him an indication for him to answer.

"I guess you could stay." Troye smiled weakly as he spoke,

"Okay I'll control the panel while you guys can go into one of the Ferris wheels." Connor said smiling, he looked happy for us.

"Okay!" I replied smiling back as I got into one of the Ferris wheels taking Troye's hand as Connor controlled the panel.

A couple of minutes of me and Troye being all cute he asked me a question,

"So you know that I always call you Tilly?" He asked smiling,

"Yeah of course I know that." I giggled.

"Well it has a meaning to it.." Troye said leaving suspense..

"WELL TELL ME WHAT IT MEANS THEN!" I got over excited,

"Well it means T.." His sentence turned into a scream as his side of the cart broke into a thousand little tiny pieces as he fell into the sea near us.. I finally woke up from my mini Troye fantasy as I saw that Troye was in the sea.. Drowning..

"TROYE!" Me and Connor screamed in shock as he was in the big lake drowning sinking inside the sea.. Slowly..

To Be Continued..

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