Chapter 12: The Torture Hurts.. </3

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Troye's P.O.V

I woke up on the hospital bed, as I stared up to the white ceiling.. Why was I in hospital? What had happened? I can't remember at all.. Joe rushed inside as he saw me awake, smiling kissing my forehead,

"Good morning my love," He smiled as he looked at me, I didn't know if I should smile back or not.. I feel like I should break up with Joe? I don't know..

"Hi urh, good morning." I said huffing, I was tired living out this relationship.. Joe was amazing but I just didn't feel any connection between us.. Joe didn't get to reply as my dad rushed in out of nowhere and ordered Joe to 'LEAVE NOW!' why was he so angry all of a sudden?

"WHERE'S TYLER?!" He shouted with a red face, who was Tyler? I don't know a Tyler?

"Who's Tyler?" I asked scratching my head feeling quite confused,

"YOU SHOULD KNOW WHO TYLER IS!" Dad shouted again and before I got the chance to even say anything he said "HE'S YOUR BOYFRIEND" Was this why I kept on feeling depressed with Joe? Did I miss Tyler?

"Wait what..?" I said still feeling a bit confused,

"Yeah he's your boyfriend,"  Dad said stroking my forehead, "You aren't happy at all with Joe.."

"But how do you know this?" I asked scratching my head,

"I know this cause your my son, I know when you look upset.. And I've kinda been spying on you.." My dad spoke looking guilty as sweat dripped down his forehead cause he was nervous,

"Wait what?" I said looking confused and freaked out as ever.

"Well let me tell you how this started.." Dad sat down at my bed and told me what had happened,

☁︎Shaun's Flashback☁︎

I stood outside Troye's ICU room nervous about him.. Until I saw that he had woken up, I was just thinking about entering his room but I saw Joe Sugg one of Troye's friends rush into the room. He was talking to Joe until he kissed him.. Woah there not friends at all, at the corner of my eye I saw a guy with purple hair running dropping flowers out of his hands and crying.. Wait that's no guy it's Tyler.. Wait what..?

Troye's P.O.V

"So yeah, I just started to stand outside your door and watching your every move so I could see your emotions.. Yeah I know I sound creepy," Dad spoke laughing a little bit, for a second I didn't know if I should be creeped out or be touched. But I realize that I'm quite touched since dad really has shown that he cares a lot about me.

"Should I call Tyler? So he could come and down so you guys can talk? He's in Perth ya know.." Dad said trying to help,

"Of course!" I spoke excited than ever, I wanted Tyler to come on down.. Even though I don't remember him much.

A couple of hours of sleeping and taking injections, tablets and all that jazz. I think Tyler was here? And perfect timing too since Joe was gone out. Tyler made his way into the room hugging me, woah I kinda felt butterflies there.. And he was super cute and dreamy,

"Hiya Troye," He smiled at me with his big greeny blue eyes,

"Oh ah.. Hi Tyler," I smiled looking down to the floor.

"Look up you fricker," Tyler chuckled as he shifted my chin up so I'd be looking at him, and WAIT I finally remember! I remember quite a lot now! But it feels like I'm forgetting something...

"So urh, Tyler you wanna watch a movie with me or something?" I asked smiling at him,

"I can't.. I'm with Connor.." Tyler sighed as my eyes got all watery.

"ARGH WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME FOR JOE?" Tyler bursted out with tears as he shouted at me,

"I d-didn't Tyler you just gotta listen to me-" He cut me off as he ran away with tears in his eyes.. Just like last time.

Tyler's P.O.V

I took a taxi back to my hotel, as I cried and cried packed my bags.. And rushed on over to the airport without no notice. I didn't even tell Connor about it, I was just ready to be alone..

Thanks for sticking around guys, this series was great... And I'm ready for the next one. I got a super cool announcement for you loves tomorrow, stay tuned.

Secret Love. ♡ (A Troyler/Tronnor Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ