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It seemed that the shouting and anger around the small community seemed to be enough for them to not notice the extremely powerful aura around them; the King was definitely pleased.

He pushed against multiple bodies, fighting his way to the front of the crowd. His 6"4 frame easily made a pathway for himself and in a matter of stressful moments, he was at the front.

A thought crossed his mind for a brief second. Who had started this?

It was said that one man had witnessed a zombie climbing it's way up a hill and from there, people panicked.

Amidst the putrid smells of rotten fruit, the King hadn't thought to smell the significant scent coming from a certain cottage and instead, watched as people threw rotten fruits at an image of the crown.

He was shocked. Maximus had never expected people to be so disrespectful. He sighed heavily, making his way back to the back.

He needed leverage, someone to update him on everything that was going on. Nobody here was willing to talk.

Maxmius started to walk towards the small houses in a close street, only one aim clear.

He would find out what had happened and he would attempt to stop it.

The key word being attempt.


Her warm body rolled over as she placed the small bookmark at the next chapter, her eyes yearning for some rest.

The shouting had still not stopped and that only meant one thing. No sleep for Lana.

She sat up with immense anger, her eyes rolling as the shouting increased.

Why did this happen? Why do they care so much?

Her wolf whined in sadness, sharing the same thoughts as her human counterpart.

Only, the fact that her wolf seemed to gain energy and perk her ears up confused Lana.

Her wolf hadn't really been so co-operative lately. Lana did not want to find her mate, or more so it was because it required energy and effort Lana did not have.

It would mean she would have to leave her safe, warm cottage and travel through villages only to find a man baby who she would ultimately have to take care of.

Living on her own sounded so much better.

A knock caused one of Lana's eyebrows to raise. She never expected anyone except for the one person, who, unfortunately already had a key. That's right, her obnoxious and loud best friend Rose.

But a knock? That was unheard of. Unspoken of. Practically illegal.

She groaned in frustration and dragged her legs to the front door that was mainly kept locked.

The mysterious person knocked once more and she growled in anger.

"Impatient much?! Wait a second. Idiot."

The last word was whispered under her breath and she fumbled with her keys, unlocking the wooden door.

The sight had her gasping.

"My k-king?"


He knocked another time, his knuckles banging against the wooden door in front of him.

A voice from the other side made him silently chuckle. Imagine if this women knew who he was.

The door finally unlocked, the satisfying click pleasent to his ears.

A woman opened the door. Damn was the woman beautiful.

Her black locks fell short before her hips, cascading down her broad shoulder and her soft-hearted face.

Long, black eyelashes encased bright grey eyes that seemed to be so wide as she stuttered in front of him. The only person to actually register who was in their tiny village.

"My k-king?"

He smiled once and nodded. "Yes. I'm here because I have queries about what exactly is going on in your village?"

He watched as she blushed, a crimson crossing her slightly chubby cheeks.

"U-urm come inside!"

She opened the door wider with an awkward stumble and he mentally laughed at how adorable she was.


The first thing he noticed about the cottage was how quaint and small it was.

The walls were covered with posters and colours and books were scattered across the room.

A small bookcase was in the corner, books of all sizes occupying the space. It was perfect for her.

He stood for a few minutes before she motioned him towards the sofa, sitting down on a stool next to it herself.

"What did you want to know?"

He locked eyes with her and smiled again. His wolf was content for the first time in a long time and he couldn't help but think something he never thought he would.

I've never smiled this much in my life.

The thought itself made him want to laugh but he was cut short by the woman in fort of him, who looked extremely curious.

"Why are you here my King?"

He cleared his throat and sat back into the sofa.

"I'm here because of the rebellion going on in your village and the villages around yours. It's not just the werewolves though, it seems to be every type of supernatural."

She looked as if she was daydreaming and then snapped her attention to him once again.

"Oh yes, that's because of the zombies."

He raised an eyebrow but stayed silent, beckoning her to continue.

"A man had spotted a zombie climbing up a hill and had instantly reported it to a village chief. From then on, people started to panic."

He stayed silent before speaking.

"And why was there so much panic?"

She sighed sadly before directing the sad orbs to him.

"Because zombies were everywhere and you weren't. Nobody felt safe at all and ontop of that, human's seem to be suspicious of us."

He growled and directed his attention to his phone that had just vibrated in his pocket.


There's zombies everywhere, I think you should immediately come to the castle Max.

A gasp came from infront of him and he furrowed his eyebrows at the panicked, shaking woman.

"What is it?"

She stumbled towards the kitchen, clutching a knife tightly in her sweaty palms.

"There's zombies...everywhere."


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