Feeling Adrift (1)

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Duty, above all.

I believe in it.

It was this thought that made me willingly commit my life towards my noble job. But it wasn't easy.

The things in civilian life that people take for granted?

Waking up in a cozy bed every morning, binge watching movies late into the night, just relaxing in the peaceful silence the afternoon brings?

I had to toss them all aside.

Military life is anything but simple, even more so for a special force operative such as myself.

Because it required sacrifice.

Sacrifices I happily made because at my core I believed I was born for a higher purpose in life.

That is why I prefer to remain distant towards my family. Emotionally I am not exactly connected to any of them, but I wasn't entirely cut off and detached either.

I was able to receive a notice during the classified deployments about my sister's wedding, I really didn't know whether I could abandon my duties, the fireteam I commanded just so I could go to this....social event.

Then I realized, family is precious. I knew despite my absence from their lives they still considered me as one of them.

I had to return the favor, even if it's just for once.


So here I am, seated inside a wedding church watching what was no doubt the most important day for my sister.

Everyone knew what the priest was going to say next.

"You may kiss the bride."

Time seemed to take a brief pause as the Groom and bride sealed the deal with a kiss. An action I've seen plenty of times but never before done, sparking a small flare of curiosity.

"How much value is behind it?" I wonder with a slight tilt of my head, feeling more than a little mystified about the enigmatic display of affection.

The crowd erupts into cheers and clapping, eventually I join along by unfolding my arms to add to the applause, even if I do not enjoy being here, I do have to at least give them that respect.

The resulting staccato echoes off the white walls of the church, filling everyone with delightful joy on this special day.

My sister then throws a bouquet into the crowd, from the corner of my eyes a young girl could be seen, perhaps in her early teens frantically reach out to catch it.

As expected of wedding traditions. An amused smile would have graced my lips had I not taken the effort to maintain my current demeanor.

I didn't care to know what happened after. Shifting my gaze away in dismissal, I turn towards my sister and her husband with intrigue running rampant in my eyes.

Their faces showed nothing but absolute bliss as they wore never fading smiles, with their hands interlocked and with the head of my sister subtly resting her head on her husband's shoulder.

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