New mission, Same goals (6)

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It was approaching midnight when I hear a knock on the door of my modest looking abode. I turn instinctively towards the wooden door, white silvery hair flowing stubbornly across my vision.

"Who would wish to encroach on me at my time of rest?" I wonder, setting aside my musings and comb.

"Is this the station of Inora Ver'Riyah?" a muffled voice flows from beyond the door.

Even though the stern voice is partially muted by wood, I could sense the importance of the one standing behind it.

'I don't have any midnight patrol duties, perhaps a change has been made?' I briefly muse as I hastily gather my armor and helm. The night dress gives way to the heft of armor and immaculate emblem of my Cohort, cast aside like the ebb of a retreating tide.

"To whom do I speak to!" I call out with great strides towards the door, presentable and clad in the proud sheen of ivory steel and glinting red after a moment of preparation.

"Lord General Thellius, I wish to speak to you at once."

I stop in my tracks. Confusion and surprise now lies at the forefront of my thoughts.

"What would warrant the Lord General himself to visit someone of my stature?" I whisper in disbelief, as the seeds of apprehension festers beyond just idle fears.

After a few more timid steps, I slowly reach out to grasp the bar, gulping in fright as I come to a lone conclusion. This piece of wood is the only thing separating me from the famous Lord General, he who is bestowed control over all Euralian forces in the eastern front lines by the Queen herself.

With a painfully slow turn, I open the door. Immediately coming into view, is the sight of the Lord General in all his immaculate glory.

Impeccably dressed in ceremonial armor fashioned in the likeness of old antiquity, every curve and crevice harboured the ancient fell runes of Nul'Firan. Cresting his head is a helmet with a bright helm plume, it thunders to the heavens like spires of authority. The esteemed Thellius had a look befitting of someone of his prestige and bearing. 

I stand my ground, stationing my eyes onto his and awaited his tidings with patience. His were old and weary, yet they held the secrets of a thousand campaigns. Nothing like my own even as we shared the colour our people, a bright purple.

I place a clenched fist over my heart, bestowing the Lord General with all the reverence I could muster, "My esteemed greetings Lord General, what do you wish to speak off," I cautiously begin, keeping my eyes low afterwards.

The silence hereafter is cold, and it is only now I notice the General himself was flanked by Black Hand warriors on both sides. The stalwart contingent of warriors remain equally silent, as demanded by their reputation.

"From the report sent to me by your Lord Captain, around afternoon today, you and your highlanders battled a strange rout of warriors somewhere to the south," Thellius states, forgoing simple pleasantries.

"Which, costed the lives of two scouts under your command," He added, with a hint of sorrow to his tone.

With a defeated sigh, I slowly nod. The word has already spread to a good portion of the cohort and beyond undoubtedly.

"You were quite adamant in suggesting that those things you fought were not Yhunian soldiers," the Lord General remarks, voice shifting to one of intrigue.

I perk my head up, "Yes Lord General, I-" he raises a hand and I silence my tongue.

"I share the same sentiments, the descriptions between this and the first encounter does not match anything we know of Yhunian Military Forces," He continues.

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