A Helper Left Behind (Undergoing Revamp) (16)

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AN: This chapter is currently under revision, please forgive any discrepancies you may notice as I am using this site to format the new version. Im not doing so on word doc because I'm lazy. Sorry for any break in the immersion. (July 10th 2023)

Scope of the revamp is only partial. Paragraphs may be replaced. Expected completion is before well... im not sure, life really takes much of my time...

Progress :0%

The adrenaline rushes through my veins, even as my right temple comes under assault by the feathery touches of...her hand. My eyes emit confusion as I continue to stare at her green lit face with clouded focus.

This lady and her team....her red and white armor was simply unforgettable. They made the opening shot that day, back then they were the hostiles.

Blissfully unaware of my inner turmoils, she continues her gentle touches across my injured temple, allowing her gauntlets to be caked in my red essence. Her proximity is unsettling, but I didn't have the will to push her away.

Under the green shimmering of her hands, the throbbing loses its intensity allowing my focus to return to its former glory. The world is no longer a painful blur, and my mind begins to reorganize its thoughts.

A pair of violet orbs continues to watch over my form in close proximity, triggering my military senses. There is a subtle pause in time as I maintain the wordless exchange with her using eyes brimming with uncertainty.

With nothing but the crushing silence all around, it didn't surprise me when I could hear her draw breath.

A look to her entire face reveals only genuine concern, not a speck of malice is detected on her features. Such an expression is reminiscent of motherly concern, and it was clearly directed at me. It's been more than a decade since I've been on the receiving end of that precious look.

With the pain no longer an immediate concern, my hands hastily reach out to grab the pistol and helmet, feeling helpless without them.

I voice my gratitude despite knowing she couldn't decipher my words. "Whatever you did.....thanks.." The capability to heal injuries on the go, that fact will have to be included in my report.

My cheeks graze against the soft inner padding as I slide the helmet down my head. Filtered air greets my nostrils as I look through the visor with reinstated awareness. I stand up on firm legs as the lady retreats back to her team. Along the way she passes by my men, grabbing her weapon from Douglas.

My ears register the muffled voice of Robert, barely louder than a whisper. "New contacts..."

"Jerome, the drone's picking up movement, multiple directions."

I snap my eyes to overlook the darkness, sensing hostility emanating from all directions. "Avenue of approach?"

"Southwest, Northwest, and East... three klicks and closing in."

I give my assessment in a split second. "They're gonna box us in."

With my eyes out towards the darkness, a hand reaches out unnoticed to my shoulder. "You ok?"

With my strength restored, I give Douglas my reassurance. "Yeah..." I pause, shooting a suspicious look towards our unexpected allies. "Thanks to whatever she did, I'm back to full capacity."

"Alright, command is now yours again." He gives a supportive pat before retracting his hand.

"So what's the game plan..."

The pistol comes under my tight grip, its trigger already under the mercy of my finger. With the objective completed, only one goal is left to occupy my thoughts.

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