New Eden (5)

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AN: This chapter is still not revised, thus does not reflect my current writing standards. So if the reader wishes, he or she may opt to skip to the next chapter instead. I am not as free as I once was.

Thank you ;_;


A familiar sound invades my ears, pulling me out of my inner thoughts.

The distinctive rattle of a helicopter's rotor blades resonates in the far distance. My eyes are kept trained towards the south, facing the direction of the rift and by extension, our forward base.

Just above the southernmost hills, a black dot rose above the horizon easily discernible against the backdrop of yellow that was the sky. That is our ticket back to base.

"Finally...." I softly muttered releasing a content sigh as a sense of relief washes over me. While the waiting was more or less peaceful and silent, it dragged on for more than an hour.

Not that I blame the pilots though, we are 60 kilometers out from the base which explains their delay.

I have been sitting on that small outcrop of rock for some time now, silently thanking my armor for protecting my weight bearing ass against the rough and most likely uncomfortable texture of the rock.

Once the relief of knowing our transport is in visual sight faded away, my thoughts immediately went back to our skirmish with the natives.

"That fucking battle...." I muttered. There is a permanent scowl plastered on my face, as my mind continuously rewinded the battle.

'Whatever those blue fiery things are, they were deadly.'
I recalled, still astounded by the sheer explosive power of those projectiles.

Everyone was lucky to come out unscathed, we have our training to thank for that.

I stop my fingers from digging into my palms. The peaceful silence allowed me to take control of my wondering thoughts, enabling me to push them aside as I realize what is done, is done.

I have to actively remind myself that there is no use over thinking it.

After grabbing the rifle that I placed right by my side, I stood up having decided on rallying the men, the crescendo of the distant helicopter's rotor blades has already alerted the rest though it seems.

With everyone already aware of the approaching helicopter, there was nothing else that needed to be done. I was content with waiting for it to arrive to our position in peaceful silence, until I feel the weight of a hand on my right shoulder.

"You ok? You were pretty quiet, more so than usual," Remarked Douglas, as he let go of my shoulder.

I give a curt nod to my Second In Command, hoping that response would suffice as an answer.

"What were you thinking about anyways?" He presses on, adding an inquisitive tone to his voice.

'Our entire godamned situation, especially that battle!' I wanted to say out loud, but decided to instead bottle up that response.

After a moment of silence to regain my bearings, I give my answer in a mellow tone.

Clearing my head, I give my second in command the expected reply, "Thinking about the implications of well....this, New Eden." Gesturing to our surroundings, his eyes following my hands.

"Same here...I've got no words for this to be honest, all those strange mega fauna species we've seen along the journey. Some of them are even larger than elephants...." Douglas recalls, his body language broadcasting his disbelief even as the helmet hid his expression.

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