Rules Of Engagement (9)

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"These warriors seem to be of no threat to us, quite unfitting of the word vagrant really." I say, directing those words to Inora who slightly flinches under my stare.

"Agreed, it does seem my encounter earlier today has clouded my judgement," she admits.

The four strange warriors made no attempts to add to the conversation, seemingly content to stand in constant vigil much to my intrigue. Even when compared to the ruthless and stubborn attitude of those from the Black Hand Cohorts, these warriors are unusually stoic. Perhaps this is a hint as to how different these people truly are?

I turn to regard this Richard person. His name is equally odd as his bearing, resembling no other cultures from within the known lands. They are strangers by blood and customs.

"Our fortress city Drossal, it is to the west, that is where we may have further talks between our people, as respected as my prestige affords, I do not have the blessings to represent the people of Euralia."

"We understand," He quickly replies, remaining still as the Life Menders remove the various mending seals on his skin.

I make my thoughts clear after a moment of silence, "On behalf of the army, I apologize for our harsh treatments, we mistook you for our enemies due to your... appearance."

He slowly nods, hiding more than a grimace if those eyes are to be trusted, "It is all behind me now, what can you tell me about these enemies of yours?"

I fold my arms, gifting him the answer, "Yhunian Federation, they desire the lands to our east, to take hold of the hollowed grounds of antiquity."

"We believe it is where the Royal family first settled in, marking the beginning of our Kingdom... many thousands of starwheels ago. Now, our enemies wish to persue these lands for the three rivers that flows to the northern seas, something that is unacceptable to us if we are to respect our heritage," I pause, my words dripping with frustration.

"Sharing these lands is not an option as well, so conflict was inevitable....but to think they would launch a surprise invasion so swiftly. I suppose the power of trade and ambition spurs even the most noble of hearts," I scowl as past memories surfaced.

The federation's wanton desire for a new port this far west of their borders is simply a mirage of something grander.

Untold seasons of pointless theatrics failed to settle grievances and mistrust on both sides. The only recourse to such pointless dither is inevitably war.

The sounds of hurried footsteps melts away the ice that kept my attention frozen within me. I turn to the door, just in time to see a messenger panting in exhaustion as he came through it. The runner's legs trembled, but his eyes wandered across the ward. With a small wave, I prompt his gaze to mine.

His eyes sparkles with a faint relief, "Pardon the intrusion Lord General, but our eastern patrols have returned early. The highlanders bear urgent tidings!" The runner offers after wading from across the mending ward.

I do not like that tone. These voices are common, and herald only hardship to those under my behest. "What dreadful news do they bear this time. Speak," I demand, arms folded.

The entire atmosphere of the healing ward changes drastically as those words resonate throughout the confined space. Wounded soldiers scowled, their fists clenching. Life menders work tirelessly regardless, their eyes now cast with the shadows of burden.

He musters his courage and begins, "Three Yhunian Regiments are bound westwards, our highlanders think the first raids will be by Spearhead riders. Chemical flasks were sighted beneath their wyverns."

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