In Pursuit (3)

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My thoughts run rampant with anticipation, nothing but positive excitement was at the forefront of my mind. Carefully hidden within the mental cracks however, is the feeling of utter disbelief.

The knowledge of crossing a portal into what is likely another universe is something that can easily shake the very foundation of anyone's understanding of the world. I may not be a scientist but I know shit like this just shouldn't be possible.

Random distortions flash across the surface of the rift, preventing it from achieving any sort of equilibrium with its colours. Looking ever so alluring.

It was nothing short of spectacular, strongly urging me to step forward right into the bright swirls, to see and to discover what is on the other side. Even with the extensive briefing we had, I just had to see what lies beyond with my own eyes.

The temptation was too appetizing to even consider resisting. My feet acted on its own accord and before I was even aware, I am on the verge of entering it.

Just one more step....

Being in the lead, also entails being the first of my team to be in physical contact with the rift. So I attempt to mentally and physically prepare myself as best as I could for what is to come.

Will it be solid, or semi permeable, what is the exact explanation for this phenomenon? Why is it in such a remote place. This new string of thoughts begin to plague my mind.

Thin tendrils reach out to me from the rift as soon as the tips of my rifle made contact with the edge of it, looking quite alive as if awakened by my presence. Calmly those ghost-like trails crawled all over the rifle, eventually spreading onto the tactical gloves that shielded my hands from the cold.

Despite its invasive movements I wasn't at all alarmed due to being told about its effects, or rather its lack thereof. So I brush it off in favor of making a grin instead.

Holding onto that grin, I turn my head to the side, sparing a glance to the operatives behind me. With a final nod to my men, I proceed forward into the rift.

Beautiful swirls of colours wash over my face being only stopped by my visor, then coming to entirely surrounding me as I made my way further inside.

No longer could I feel the snow cushioning my steps, neither could I tell what was directly in front of me. I know I am on solid ground, every step taken was on something but with the blinding light, I couldn't tell what exactly the ground I'm walking on is made of.

The journey went smoothly, aside from the disorienting swirls of silver and blue. Walking onward without pause despite the intensity of the light, I paved the way for the rest of my team to follow suit.

I wasn't sure if i still walked in a straight line...

Eventually, both the intensity and colours that washed across my vision began to give way to hazy shades of green. My eyes are fixated on those colours.

As time went on, these blurry shades quickly became clearer and more pronounced. My watchful eyes eagerly continues its focus on it, watching them shift into more sharper and defined features.

The backdrop of light abruptly vanishes, no longer clouded by its blinding effects clarity returns to my vision.

That wonderful light show ranks as one of the weirdest yet amazing experience of my life hands down. A strong urge wells up, telling me to go back to the colourful void, but right now I know that's not an option. I'm not here to explore, I'll leave that to the researchers.

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