Intelligence Updated (17)

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I had to take off the helmet as a neutral frown paints my lips. The balcony had a beautiful view of the palace, glittering pieces of stone pattern the glossy walls, making the entire complex look all the more pristine.

As beautiful as the sight is, my eyes were reserved for the skies above, enjoying the last vestiges of solace provided by the fading darkness. All of this seems so surreal, it's hard to truly contemplate what was unquestionably the most confusing week of my entire military career, even with the considerable time spent up here.

The Rift...New unreal.

Being alone as a self defence mechanism during times of uncertainty, it was one of the only traits I willingly kept during that transition from a civilian to a soldier. It represented the only remnant of who I was in the past, a wreck who had no defining motive to fight for.

"Purpose in life..." In contrast to the almost silence whisper, the three words bellow loudly inside my head. The answer to that fickle question is different for every person. It was something that would inevitably enter a person's thoughts once society glares down at them with expectant eyes.

One thing I still struggle to understand even after all these years, is why I had such a different answer compared to the majority. This job is my purpose, being part of a greater whole. Was I born with this mindset? Or was it forged by the specific set of circumstances during my young life.

This way of thinking has made my heart numb to love, the vestigial word had long since lost its significance. This life has its ups and downs, but it works well and that is all the assurance I needed affirm my own ideals. Marriage is out of my grasp forever, but I gained a great many things because of it.

The frown eventually gives way to a light smile, coinciding with the sun as it begins to peek over the lovely horizon. Those who walk alone sometimes have brightest direction in life.

The illusion of peace is then shattered by a stoic voice behind me. "Mind if I join you in solace?" I turn around, eyes coming into contact with the golden visage of the native general Thellius.

Sensing no reason to be cold, I give him my approval. "Of course not..." I avert my eyes back to the horizon, watching the sun steadily claw its way up. Soft, meaningful footsteps draw closer stopping just to my right.

A hint of gold covers the corner of my vision as the General speaks up. "You have my most sincere of thanks."

I said nothing only giving a nod, watching as dawn fully breaks onto the sky with a radiant yellow. These people have an entire civilization, untouched by the hand of humanity. Was it really right to interfere with their conflict for the sake of knowledge?

Duty above all, that is a creed I strongly adhere to each day even when doubt lingers in the shadows. "No need for that..." I remark, casting a neutral look to the Aged man.

Mission before the thoughts. "We were just doing what is required of us."

His eyes now hold a curious tint, slightly bordering on suspicious. "Indeed.."

"You seem to truly care only of living the ways of a warrior, stoic and unwavering to matters not of your immediate concern."

"Your words have merit, sir." I pause, using the moment to place the helmet back on, reverting my image to that of an intimidating soldier. "This is who I am, I live each day with satisfaction because of that." This is the pinnacle of life, to make a good difference to the world in the best way you see fit.

"I have seen many warriors like you through the ages." The General centers his gaze to the sun, tone being soft but commanding at the same time. "Their burn brightly, thriving at the zenith of their lives, however short or long it may be."

Into The RiftOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora